Saturday, December 22, 2012


Sold out in a day.

Which is good cause I couldn't afford them anyway and now that they're off the table, I can stop feeling guilty for either buying or not buying one.

I was thinking that if by the time I'm done with VegasCon registration they still have some, I might get one. But that was a very big if and a very big might. Luckily, I don't have to worry about it anymore.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

OMG, there ARE other SPN fans in Croatia!!!

I is shocked! Flabbergasted! Might have thud-ed when I found out! There are other Supernatural fans here in Croatia!!! And I don't mean those Yeah-I-watch-the-show-every-week fans. (I already knew there are six of those.) I mean, real fans. Those I'm-practicing-blue-steel-for-my-mugshots-cause-I'm-participating-in-GISHWHES-and-selling-my-kidney-to-go-to-cons fans. And yes, apparently, there are some of those out there. I'm so emotional right now I'm crying. And squeeing. OK, not really, no.

Call me, guys! Again, no, not really, cause I'm quite phonephobic. But let's create an FB page for the four of us, call it SPN Family - Croatia and pretend that SPN fandom in Cro is live and kicking. *thumbs up*


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I still hope to win the lottery...

Gonna make this short and sweet. No time for long posts. I got that part-time job. We're calling it overtime, though.


And also, what the hell did I just do???

*headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

*headdesk* *headdesk*

BTW, you know how a normal person's first thought after getting a second job would be: great, more money for food and bills? Mine was: Yay! I can buy more photo ops for VegasCon!!! *sigh* It's not easy being a conoholic. Or cheap.

Monday, November 19, 2012

If you ignore it, it will fall into your lap

I've been looking for a part-time job for the last two and a half years. OK, maybe 'looking for' is too strong a word. I admit it, I wasn't really looking all that hard for the last year. What can I say. It was a combination of giving up coz there were no part-time jobs here and OMG, my day job is going to suck the life out of me! With a touch of procrastinative laziness.

But it looks like I finally found one.

Or more precisely, it kinda fell into my lap. 

Took me a week to realize it. Oh yeah, so quick on the uptake. *smug*

Last Monday a coworker told me that we don't have enough subtitlers and that the boss is looking for new people. Asked me if I knew someone for the job and I said no. And as soon as I turned around to go home, I forgot about it. Honest to God, it took me a week to remember that conversation and to realize that I actually do know someone who could do the job. Guess who. *rolleyes*
In my defence, I was in the middle of translating Woody Allen, and had four days to finish two really long movies and some stuff that was left from the week before because of somebody else's screw-up. And four days were a really unrealistic deadline for everyone who is not a robot. I mean, I can work 12 hrs/day for a day, maybe two, but not four. Pretty sure I'd be yelling Pudding! (with or without pants around my ankles) a lot if I ever tried that. And as much as I like pudding, no, thank you. Anyways, I finished everything on Sunday around 10 pm and OMG, I could finally relax. And it suddenly hit me. Oh hey! I need a part-time job. My boss is looking for more people. Match made in heaven? (Or, more likely, purgatory?) Sure, why not.

Long story short, I sent an e-mail asking if I could take two weeks off around New Year to my boss. And in the same e-mail offered my part-time services. lol We'll see what she'll say. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

In a nutshell

Basic info on the cons I'm attending. When, where, who, how much...

Las Vegas 2013

JIB 2013

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Creation CONtest

We have a chance to win two Gold passes for a con of our choice. *grins like a conoholic*
I know who my favorite guest is, but I still don't know which con I'll choose when I win. Yeah, OK, if. If I win. Killjoys. :p


My tweet:

Saturday, November 3, 2012

O Money Tree, O Money Tree, Your branches green delight us!

I have to say this. If I ever pay 6010 € for one pass, I'm taking one of the guests with me when the con is over. Because, OMG! 6010 €! For 1 pass! I'm a conoholic and I wouldn't be able to justify paying that much. Cause, let's face it, if you pay 6010 € for one pass, you're basically paying 3790 € for a chair. Yes, that chair is in the front row, but still. Just. A. Chair.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The BurCon Experience - Day 5 (Sunday)

You know what they say. Pics or it didn't happen. See? Pics. So it did happen. *nods*

(BurCon was months ago which means that I probably forgot 80% of what happened. Let's see how much I remember.)

First thing today was breakfast. Started at 7:45 am. Yes, let's pretend ppl can eat so early in the morning. Anyways, I think Jared was late? So Jensen had to brave the stage alone. That was followed by Jensen, Jared and Jensen & Jared photo ops. And yes, a hug from behind is a much better photo op pose for me than a real hug. :(
Next thing on the schedule: panel with Jim Beaver and Richard Speight Jr. This photo of Richard is definitely one of my better ones. lmao
At 1 pm it was time for the best panel of the day. :D Somebody obviously knows Js very well so they got their own special chairs. Awwww. lol

There are some things no one should have to see. So, you're welcome.

I have absolutely no idea what he was doing. lol
At the end of the panel we had that announcement about the donation for St. Jude's. (Which Jared and Gen matched. :))
Sunday was March 4, which means that it was 3 days after Jensen's b-day. So, of course, he got a b-day cake and a very beautiful rendition of Happy birthday to you ♫. :D (You can see and hear everything in my video on YouTube. I didn't sing. You're welcome.)




After all that, we got their autographs and at 4 pm it was time for Madison McLaughlin's panel. Last panel of the day and of the con. Somewhere between 5:15 pm and 6 pm I bought my ticket for next year (for Vegas) and that was it. End of the con. Time for my post-con blues to kick in. :(
Funny thing (as in not funny at all), I was going back to my room and just as I reached the elevators my eyes started tearing up (I have absolutely no idea why). Apparently my tears were really salty that day and my eyes started burning and it hurt like hell. TG there was no one in the elevator and in the hallway. I mean, you all know what happens to makeup when you start crying. It was NOT a pretty sight. And when I finally got to my room I couldn't even wash my eyes. I had to remove the makeup first. Pure torture.
lol I looked like this:

On the bright side, we didn't have to wait in line two hours to get our JPEGs. That's cause we didn't get them at all. Chris decided to send JPEGs few days after the con. :(

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Perfectly logical

Creation moved LAcon to Burbank and then BurCon to Vegas. And now they added a new con in, wait for it, Burbank! Then why the hell did they move BurCon to Vegas in the first place if they are now going back to Burbank again? Where's the logic in that?

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pearls of wisdom XII


It really depends on your priorities. (And probably your budget, though that never managed to stop me from going Gold.) What is most important to you? Are you gonna be happy if you need binoculars to see the stage? Are autographs important to you? Cause it might be cheaper if they are included in the ticket. Do you really need to see Jensen and Jared at Sunday breakfast? (The answer is yes, BTW. It's always yes. lol)  

Personally, I would only ever go Gold.


Attending a con is not an everyday thing. I go to one or two a year and I want it to be special. The best it can be. If I go to the other side of the world for a con and travel 23 hrs to get there, I want it ALL. Or as close to all as I can afford. (Which really isn't all at all, but whatever. *is sad*)

If you go Gold, you'll be sitting somewhere in the first 10ish rows. And the closer you sit, the... well, closer you are. I love taking photos and the less heads there are in front of me, the better. Photos are really important to me, so sitting somewhere in row Z just wouldn't work for me.

Also, Gold comes with perks: Sunday breakfast, cocktail party, getting your autograph in under 5 hrs. lol

It's expensive as hell, but honestly, if I couldn't go Gold, I wouldn't go at all. But like I said, it all comes down to your priorities and what works for you.   

Friday, September 28, 2012

Sorry, don't speak Ebglish. Would English do?

OK, I'm back to perusing job ads. (Can't believe I used that word. :/)

There's this ad. They're looking for Internet organizers. Whatever that is. They need people who speak Ebglish (their word, not mine) and know something about... eBay, I guess. It's a part-time, work from home job with flexible hours. I'm just not really sure what the job is all about.

How the hell am I supposed to bullshit my way through the cover letter if I don't know what skills they are looking for???

They look photoshopped, you say?

Jus in bello 2012

My photo ops. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST. Actually, if possible, do not download at all. Thank you. :)

First of all, I swear to Castiel, even though some of these photo ops look like somebody took two people from two completely different photos and photoshopped them together (badly, might I add), they are, in fact, NOT photoshopped. Also, Jared and Misha are really not that green in RL.

Oh and, I hate that bloody chair.

--> Jensen

Color me disappointed. And possibly slightly ticked off. Why did I even bother with the whole outfit when you can't see the pants? They were quite possibly the most important part of the whole outfit!!! Next time I'll go to the photo op room wearing a nice top, pajama pants and fluffy slippers. Why the hell not?! It's not like anybody will see that.

--> Jensen

When it comes to my POs that look like two ppl were photoshopped together, this one's the worst. Jensen's more or less sharp and I'm all blurry and out of focus. Which does wonders for my wrinkles, but still.

--> Jared

This was a good one. :D Too bad you can only see half of it. Anyways, I got there and Jared said: Sitrstand? And I was like: What? Oh! Yeah, it doesn't matter. So he remained seated, turned towards me and hugged the hell out of me. :D I'm pretty sure it took us a few seconds to figure out how to rearrange the legs and I think in the end it worked out quite well, but it's not like I'll ever be able to see that. *shout-out to the photographer*

--> Jared & Misha

--> Jensen & Misha

Was it something I said? (Yes, it was.) lol

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Some say less is more. Like hell it is!

BurCon 2012

My photo ops. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST. Actually, if possible, do not download at all. Thank you. :)

If you need to know more about these photo ops, I think I wrote about some of them in my con reports.

Only 7 POs this time. :(

--> Kim

--> Karaoke kings

--> Misha

--> Jensen

--> Jensen

--> Jared

--> Jensen & Jared

All photos are © Chris Schmelke.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The joys of buying a plane ticket just as your OCD flares up

Yes, I have OCD. You wouldn't believe how that thing can sometimes suck the life right out of you. It was really bad a few years ago, but then my symptoms just kinda dwindled down to checking what I wrote (emails, tweets, posts) a few times and that was it. Still annoying, but bearable.

But then just as I was about to go and find/buy a plane ticket to Vegas, my OCD flared up again. Don't know why. Can you imagine just how exhausting it is to check and recheck 20 fucking times if you chose the right dates, the right cities, the right flights and if the dates match the hotel reservation?


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Been there, done that, got videotaped...

Where's Waldo Eliann?

 © some people who are not me

Funny story. I sent the link (just the link, no explanation) to my mostly online friend who saw me only once in RL and that was years ago. And two minutes later I get her email: Hey, that's you in the video!!! And I'm like: OMG, how did you even recognize me???!
I mean, even I only recognized myself cause I knew I was there. Yes, I'm bad with faces, OK? So sue me.

Disclaimer: I'd like to state very clearly that this video is not mine. I try to post only my photos and videos cause I'm a bit touchy when it comes to copyright issues and you know what they say: Don't do unto others...  Now, go forth and... Um... Yeah, I don't know where I was going with that. Please, don't sue.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Places I visited thanks to Supernatural

I've been to ZAG, SPU, FRA, MUC, ZRH, FCO, YVR, ORD, LAX, SFO and BUR.

Next year I'll be adding LHR and LAS to the list.

How cool is that!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

VegasCon-goers want the Impala photo ops, too!

No, scratch that. We want the Impala in Vegas and a chance to get our picture taken with it for free. Yeah, that sounds better.

The only problem is, I don't think I would know what to wear. I mean, we're talking about the Impala here! I couldn't wear just any old thing, it's not like one of those POs with Jensen or Jared. :p I'd have to find something Impala-worthy. * nods*

All in one - VanCon 2009, ChiCon 2009, LAcon 2010, VanCon 2010


Links - VanCon 2009, ChiCon 2009, LAcon 2010, VanCon 2010


Links - ChiCon 2009, LAcon 2010, VanCon 2010


ChiCon 2009

LAcon 2010

VanCon 2010

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Dear visitors...

I'm curious. I have StatCounter on my blog and check the stats occasionally. And I've noticed that a lot of people come here looking for... whatever, and then land on, let's say, first page and just don't go any further. Even though they could find what they're looking for (that's what Blog Archive's for!). So, what's up with that? I guess it could be that StatCounter is not all that accurate so I'm getting false info. But so many times??? I don't get it.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Misha in Vegas? Yeah, that'll end well :p

On the one hand, yay, cause a con without Misha is, well, a con without Misha, but I've never heard of one before. I guess, in theory, such cons can exist, but a Mishaless con would be all wrong on so many levels.

But on the other hand, my budget is weeping. And those are NOT tears of joy.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Jus in bello - Rome (JIB 2013)

ETA: I procrastinate. A lot. So, if you want pics and videos and con report and half of my photo op, you know what to do. ;)


DATE: May 10-12, 2013

HOTEL: Hilton Rome Airport (Via Arturo Ferrarin 2, 00054 Fiumicino, Rome, Italy)


Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
Misha Collins
Richard Speight Jr.
Brock Kelly
Sebastian Roché
Rob Benedict
Matt Cohen
Ty Olsson
Jason Manns
Steve Carlson

Angel 420 €
Demon 320 €
Sinner 185 €
Hunter 115 €
Prophet - starting bid: 1500-2000 €

Jensen Ackles 80 €
Jared Padalecki 80 €

Misha Collins 65 €
Richard Speight Jr. 35 €
Brock Kelly 35 €
Sebastian Roché 35 €
Rob Benedict 35 €
Matt Cohen 35 €

Ty Olsson 35 €
Jason Manns 20  €

Steve Carlson 20 €

Jensen & Jared 170 €
Jensen & Misha 150 €
Jared & Misha 150 €
Richard & Matt 70 €

Jensen, Jared & Misha 240 €
Misha, Brock, Matt, Richard, Rob, Sebastian & Ty 245

Jensen Ackles 55 €
Jared Padalecki 55  
Misha Collins 40 €
Richard Speight Jr. 20 €
Brock Kelly 20 €
Sebastian Roché 20 €
Rob Benedict 20 €
Matt Cohen 20 €

Ty Olsson 20 €
Jason Manns 15  €
Steve Carlson 15 €

Jensen Ackles 465 €
Jared Padalecki  465 €

Misha Collins 295 €
Richard Speight Jr. 115 €
Brock Kelly 115 €
Sebastian Roché 115 €
Rob Benedict 115 €
Matt Cohen 115 €

Ty Olsson 115 €
Jason Manns 65  €
Steve Carlson 65

Roman holiday 525 €

Saturday night activity 15 €
Sunday night activity 15 €

If it's red, it's sold out.

For more info go to Jus in bello website: JIB 4

What's wrong with this picture(s)

According to Creation, room rate for March 7th should be $89. But when I go to Rio's website and try to book a room, they tell me that there's no group rate for that day. At first I thought that that was a mistake, but I can't believe that nobody else tried to book a room online in the last I don't know how many months, because if they had, they probably would've contacted Rio Suites about the rates and Rio would know about the mistake and they would've changed it. Right?
Since calling Rio isn't an option (for me), I guess I'll have to find their e-mail address and send them an e-mail.

ETA (Sept 1, 2012): Looks like they are out of group rate for Wednesday, too. But the thing is, I'm 99,8% sure that they never had group rate for Thursday. I know I was checking from the beginning and waiting for that to change, but it never did.

Long time no blog

I was gone for so long that I managed to forget my password**. *headdesk*

I blame work. *nods*

But I'm back now. Um... Probably. It can really go either way.

**Pearl of wisdom: Kids (and senile old ppl like me), this is why you should have all your passwords written down somewhere. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My JIB 2012 tweets. Both of them.

Start at the bottom and work your way up.
Internet was REALLY expensive so I was Internetless for most of the time. :( That's the reason for this serious shortage of con tweets.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Jus in bello 3 - autographs

By Saturday afternoon I gave up on trying to get all the autographs. So in the end I got only 5. 

BTW, you know what the best thing you can hear when you finally get into the autograph room is? Sorry, this line is closed. I loved hearing that.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Jus in bello 3 - The Good, the Bad and the Hilton

I will probably write a proper con report, eventually, but this summary will have to do for now.

I loved the panels. Everybody (by everybody I mean the guests) was so relaxed and having so much fun on stage. Hell, I never had so much fun during panels before! 'Twas awesome. :D I actually had no intention of going back to Rome, but if there's JIB 4, I just might have to seriously rethink that. Just because of the panels.

I hated the fact that they had panels, photo ops and autographs at the same time. I sometimes say that POs are the reason I'm going to cons, and I'm mostly joking, but I consider them a very important part of the whole convention experience. They are a tangible memento. This time I couldn't buy all the POs I wanted because I knew that I would have to miss most of the panels to get them. That's a huge minus in my book.
On Saturday night, after the concert, I suddenly realized: OMG, is Jim Beaver even here?! Two days of the convention were over and I was yet to see the man. I think that says a lot. So does the fact that I didn't get all the autographs that came with the pass. (Didn't want to miss more panels.)

I really enjoyed the concerts. I always liked Jason's songs, but I was never a fan of Steve's songs. (Which is kinda funny considering I love Kane. Their songs, I mean.) But this time, I was sitting there thinking Why the hell didn't I like his songs??? *still baffled*

I didn't like the offending chair(s) in the photo op room cause when the guests are sitting, that just makes for really awkward POs. Some of my POs look like somebody took ppl from two different photos and photoshopped them together. And I especially didn't like what happened when it was my turn to have my pic taken with Jensen. The woman there pushed me. Literally. And she pushed me so hard that she managed to move me from where I was standing and it took me like two steps to stop myself. What the hell happened to a pat on the shoulder or a simple Go or Next or even the Italian equivalent of that? It's not like I wouldn't have understood her.

Rome is relatively close. And it's really nice when you can get to the con (and back home) in practically no time. It didn't even feel like I was going anywhere. Even my dad said that to him it felt like I went to a neighbour's house for a cup of coffee and not to another country. lol Also, when I'm going to cons in America, traveling for 23 hrs can be really exhausting. (Especially on my way back home while I'm trying to fight off some serious post-con blues.) This time I didn't even care that I had to wait 6 hrs for my flight.

Having Demon pass sucks. Big time. If you have a DP, your entire time there you are just a second-class con-goer. You can stand in line for an hour waiting for a photo op or an autograph and if somebody with an Angel pass comes at that time, they'll just waltz past you. And if you're really unlucky, it'll turn out that everybody with the Sinner pass is also in front of you. Cause there's only one line for DP and SP. And, of course, if you have DP, you will realize very soon that there's a teeny-tiny problem with the stage. You see (or actually, you don't, and that's the problem), the stage is not high enough. And if you sit in the DP section, you won't see the guests. Best case scenario, you'll be able to see them on the screen. But if I wanted to watch them on a screen, I would've stayed home and watched them on YouTube. Also, you can pretty much forget about taking pictures which is something that is very important to me.

It's great that the guests are there for two or three days and for more than one panel.

And the Hilton? The only good thing about Hilton Rome is that it's so close to the airport. The ONLY good thing. Rooms are ridiculously expensive. And then they charge you 22  for 24 hrs of economy (aka lousy) Internet. And no, there's no free wi-fi in the lobby. Can you say rip-off?
I had so much fun every time I wanted to go into my room because I never knew if I'll be able to unlock the door.
Then there's also the matter of the invisible room service menu, iron and ironing board. I managed to get the menu even though the woman from the housekeeping didn't speak English (and I don't speak Italian). She just went to another room and took it from there. (I sincerely apologize to the guest that got that room.) I didn't even try to ask about the iron.
I had a fun conversation with a guy from room service on Sunday. I got one of those call-this-number-so-we-can-remove-the-tray little cards. So I called. It took me 5 minutes to explain that no, I don't want salmon, I want someone to come and remove the tray. Finally he realized what I was saying and told me to leave the tray outside. So I did. Then I went out. When I returned 3 hrs later, the tray was still there. *sigh* Then why the hell did they make me call room service??!
Oh, and the safe didn't work.
4-star hotel, my ass.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Jus in bello 3 - photos

Here are the links to my con pics. But keep in mind that THIS is what I saw before I put my 20x zoom to good use:

So don't expect too much. Pics are not that good and there are often heads in the way.
Vivid example:

Richard, Sebastian, Misha, Mark, Rob, Brock, Steve, Jason - photos
Sebastian, Mark, Steve, Jason - photos
Jim, Brock, Richard, Mark, Sebastian, Rob - photos
Misha - photos
Jensen, Jared, Misha - photos
Jensen, Jared - photos

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Never. Again.

Next time I come up with a brilliant idea of buying Gold just in case I might go to a convention, just hit me over the head with something. The result will be pretty much the same, but at least it will be quicker.

I actually have a slight phonephobia (TG for emails, text messages and trams) and this was the first time in my life that I wished I could just call someone (potential buyers) and work out everything with them that way.   

On the bright side, I was right. Silver is practically unsellable, but Gold? Yeah, if you want to sell it, it's as good as sold.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Gold for sale - DallasCon


I wish I didn't have to say this, but... I'm selling my Gold ticket for DallasCon 2012.

When I bought it, I hoped I'd be able to go (even if it was a long shot), but since I didn't win the lottery (yeah, I was surprised about that, too), I just can't afford to go to Dallas this year. :(

Like I said, it's a Gold ticket, seat is C4, breakfast table 7. I'm selling it for $517 and accept only PayPal. When I receive the money, I'll e-mail you the PDF file.

It doesn't matter that my name is on the ticket. You don't have to change the name or notify Creation Ent. It's all about the bar code these days. Creation ppl don't check the name, they just scan the bar code. So you won't have any problems. And yes, I know that first-hand. ;)

In case you're wondering why I'm selling it like this and not on eBay, it's because of their limits and their fees. This would be the first item I'm selling, so I have a monthly limit of $500. And I guess, it's better this way since I won't have to pay eBay fees on top of PayPal fees. (Which are ridiculously high, BTW. *thumbs down*)

If you have any questions (about the ticket or about anything con related if you're a first time con-goer), you can ask them in the comment section. :)