Saturday, February 19, 2011

LAcon 2011 - unlisted videos

Jim going behind the curtain during Js autographs.

Jared coming to get those little girls...

And bringing them back.

Jared crashing karaoke.


  1. Do you by any chance have footage of the panel where Jensen says the best part about being on Supernatural is that he gets to sleep with the star?

    suspicious that I cannot find it in any con videos, considering that everything else is on YouTube...

    by the way, Jared bringing the little girls back from meeting Genevieve was really cute!

  2. I don't. :( But he definitely said it. I'm ashamed to say that my first thought was: when was Danneel on Supernatural? *hangs head in shame* lol

    lol People were probably so shocked that nobody remembered to press REC.

    Jared's a sweetheart. :)

  3. Heyyyyyy Thanks a lot for this vid.

    They are great,icant wait to a Con.

    U`re awesome
