Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The BurCon Experience - Day 3 (Friday)

You know what they say. Pics or it didn't happen. See? Pics. So it did happen. *nods*

You know what I really hate? When Creation changes the schedule, but don't feel the need to tell us about it. I mean, we found out that Gabriel is coming from him. And nobody knew when his panel would be. Also, nobody knew if Kim was still coming or not. Even if they couldn't update their web page, they could've at least tweeted about it. And this was not the first time. Really annoying. So it was actually a bit of a surprise when Kim and Gabe showed up on stage. I think I wasn't really in the right state of mind for a convention. I have to admit I wasn't really listening to what they were saying. I just kept zoning out. (And taking pictures without really thinking about it.) All I remember is that Kim laughed a lot and... No, that's about it.

Chad's panel was next. I spent a lot of time trying to take a photo of his tattoo, but he just kept moving all the time. The nerve of that man! lol

This was my first photo op today. I almost didn't get it. I was literally deciding which photo ops to buy while standing in line for pre-registration. At first I wanted to get a photo op with Kim. But then I decided that I don't really need it. In the end I bought it because I wanted to see what my new makeup and hair color would look like on photo ops. I mean, BEFORE the really important photo ops. Such a shallow reason, I know. I'm not proud of it.
Photo ops I DIDN'T get include: Chad, Rob, Mark, Sebastian, Matt, Richard, Matt & Richard in regular outfits, Rick, Mark & Misha, Misha & Jim, Jim and Madison. And that's like blasphemy for this conoholic. *coughphotoopwhorecough* And the best indicator of just how much I didn't care for this con. :(
But hey, at least I had more free time. Yay?

Last panel today was Rob's. I got my autographs after that (Kim, Chad, Rob). No personalization this time. Don't know why. Louden Swain concert was supposed to start at 9 pm. But didn't. So everything else was postponed. By the time karaoke started, I was tired and fed up with waiting and I just wanted to get my karaoke kings photo op and go to sleep. But I had to wait until midnight-ish for that.

Yep, it still says karaKoke kings. lol

I'm still not sure if this top looks like something from the '60s, but Richard liked it. He said so. :D It was during photo ops. I walked up to him and he said I had a nice top. And I was so incredulous that instead of saying thank you, I said: Really??! Then I told him that I had that top in my closet for years and that I've never worn it before. And he said: Well, maybe now you will. Honestly? I kinda doubt it. But you never know. It's not like I expected to wear it at a convention either.

Oh and...

Ladies and gentlemen more ladies, master karaokist Tim Omundson!

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