Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pearls of wisdom XII


It really depends on your priorities. (And probably your budget, though that never managed to stop me from going Gold.) What is most important to you? Are you gonna be happy if you need binoculars to see the stage? Are autographs important to you? Cause it might be cheaper if they are included in the ticket. Do you really need to see Jensen and Jared at Sunday breakfast? (The answer is yes, BTW. It's always yes. lol)  

Personally, I would only ever go Gold.


Attending a con is not an everyday thing. I go to one or two a year and I want it to be special. The best it can be. If I go to the other side of the world for a con and travel 23 hrs to get there, I want it ALL. Or as close to all as I can afford. (Which really isn't all at all, but whatever. *is sad*)

If you go Gold, you'll be sitting somewhere in the first 10ish rows. And the closer you sit, the... well, closer you are. I love taking photos and the less heads there are in front of me, the better. Photos are really important to me, so sitting somewhere in row Z just wouldn't work for me.

Also, Gold comes with perks: Sunday breakfast, cocktail party, getting your autograph in under 5 hrs. lol

It's expensive as hell, but honestly, if I couldn't go Gold, I wouldn't go at all. But like I said, it all comes down to your priorities and what works for you.   

Friday, September 28, 2012

Sorry, don't speak Ebglish. Would English do?

OK, I'm back to perusing job ads. (Can't believe I used that word. :/)

There's this ad. They're looking for Internet organizers. Whatever that is. They need people who speak Ebglish (their word, not mine) and know something about... eBay, I guess. It's a part-time, work from home job with flexible hours. I'm just not really sure what the job is all about.

How the hell am I supposed to bullshit my way through the cover letter if I don't know what skills they are looking for???

They look photoshopped, you say?

Jus in bello 2012

My photo ops. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST. Actually, if possible, do not download at all. Thank you. :)

First of all, I swear to Castiel, even though some of these photo ops look like somebody took two people from two completely different photos and photoshopped them together (badly, might I add), they are, in fact, NOT photoshopped. Also, Jared and Misha are really not that green in RL.

Oh and, I hate that bloody chair.

--> Jensen

Color me disappointed. And possibly slightly ticked off. Why did I even bother with the whole outfit when you can't see the pants? They were quite possibly the most important part of the whole outfit!!! Next time I'll go to the photo op room wearing a nice top, pajama pants and fluffy slippers. Why the hell not?! It's not like anybody will see that.

--> Jensen

When it comes to my POs that look like two ppl were photoshopped together, this one's the worst. Jensen's more or less sharp and I'm all blurry and out of focus. Which does wonders for my wrinkles, but still.

--> Jared

This was a good one. :D Too bad you can only see half of it. Anyways, I got there and Jared said: Sitrstand? And I was like: What? Oh! Yeah, it doesn't matter. So he remained seated, turned towards me and hugged the hell out of me. :D I'm pretty sure it took us a few seconds to figure out how to rearrange the legs and I think in the end it worked out quite well, but it's not like I'll ever be able to see that. *shout-out to the photographer*

--> Jared & Misha

--> Jensen & Misha

Was it something I said? (Yes, it was.) lol

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Some say less is more. Like hell it is!

BurCon 2012

My photo ops. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST. Actually, if possible, do not download at all. Thank you. :)

If you need to know more about these photo ops, I think I wrote about some of them in my con reports.

Only 7 POs this time. :(

--> Kim

--> Karaoke kings

--> Misha

--> Jensen

--> Jensen

--> Jared

--> Jensen & Jared

All photos are © Chris Schmelke.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The joys of buying a plane ticket just as your OCD flares up

Yes, I have OCD. You wouldn't believe how that thing can sometimes suck the life right out of you. It was really bad a few years ago, but then my symptoms just kinda dwindled down to checking what I wrote (emails, tweets, posts) a few times and that was it. Still annoying, but bearable.

But then just as I was about to go and find/buy a plane ticket to Vegas, my OCD flared up again. Don't know why. Can you imagine just how exhausting it is to check and recheck 20 fucking times if you chose the right dates, the right cities, the right flights and if the dates match the hotel reservation?


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Been there, done that, got videotaped...

Where's Waldo Eliann?

 © some people who are not me

Funny story. I sent the link (just the link, no explanation) to my mostly online friend who saw me only once in RL and that was years ago. And two minutes later I get her email: Hey, that's you in the video!!! And I'm like: OMG, how did you even recognize me???!
I mean, even I only recognized myself cause I knew I was there. Yes, I'm bad with faces, OK? So sue me.

Disclaimer: I'd like to state very clearly that this video is not mine. I try to post only my photos and videos cause I'm a bit touchy when it comes to copyright issues and you know what they say: Don't do unto others...  Now, go forth and... Um... Yeah, I don't know where I was going with that. Please, don't sue.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Places I visited thanks to Supernatural

I've been to ZAG, SPU, FRA, MUC, ZRH, FCO, YVR, ORD, LAX, SFO and BUR.

Next year I'll be adding LHR and LAS to the list.

How cool is that!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

VegasCon-goers want the Impala photo ops, too!

No, scratch that. We want the Impala in Vegas and a chance to get our picture taken with it for free. Yeah, that sounds better.

The only problem is, I don't think I would know what to wear. I mean, we're talking about the Impala here! I couldn't wear just any old thing, it's not like one of those POs with Jensen or Jared. :p I'd have to find something Impala-worthy. * nods*

All in one - VanCon 2009, ChiCon 2009, LAcon 2010, VanCon 2010


Links - VanCon 2009, ChiCon 2009, LAcon 2010, VanCon 2010


Links - ChiCon 2009, LAcon 2010, VanCon 2010


ChiCon 2009

LAcon 2010

VanCon 2010

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Dear visitors...

I'm curious. I have StatCounter on my blog and check the stats occasionally. And I've noticed that a lot of people come here looking for... whatever, and then land on, let's say, first page and just don't go any further. Even though they could find what they're looking for (that's what Blog Archive's for!). So, what's up with that? I guess it could be that StatCounter is not all that accurate so I'm getting false info. But so many times??? I don't get it.