Friday, October 22, 2010

Ain't it cute?

I can't believe I forgot to apply for that mystery shopper job. I was freaking out about sending my CV to HRT and trying to write the bestest cover letter ever for that potentially very interesting job at a skating rink. (I read fics. I know what happens in places like that. *nods*) And it completely slipped my mind. 
But it's probably for the best. That job really wasn't for me. I'm not the most observant... observer... among observers...? Uhm... Never mind. And I'm not a liar. I mean, I can lie if I want to. It's just that usually I don't. Want to. So my lies come out all half-assed and unconvincing. It's embarrassing really.

I did however remember to send my CV and cover letter to Nice Ice. :D Yes, in pdf format. Big thanks to MR for telling me how to go from doc to pdf and for sending me the link to CutePDF Writer.
I got an email from them today. They'll let me know by the end of next week if I should come for an interview. Hope my day job won't be considered a hindrance. *fingers crossed* I do after all work from home and have flexible hours, so I could take any shift, any day.
I wonder if ice skating is like driving a bike. I used to skate when I was younger. I even had my own skates. But that was years ago. Maybe I'll get a chance to find out.

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