Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lower room rate? Sounds good. In theory.

First day of BurCon is March 2nd, so it stands to reason that some of us who'll be needing a whole day to get to Burbank might want to get there at least on Wednesday since Wednesday actually means 7pm so it's almost Thursday anyway. (I have to have at least one buffer day for my jet lag issues. Plus, there's always a possibility that something'll go wrong somewhere along the very long way and if I'm getting stranded, I'd prefer to be stranded on Wednesday and/or Thursday and not on Friday.)
But if you want those lower than normal rates, I dare you to try and book a room from Feb 29th. Sorry, no can do. However, Marriott does offer that lower rate until March 7th. Hello! Convention ends on March 4th. What's up with all the extra days?

Don't get me wrong, these lower rates are a great thing (especially in Vancouver, cause OMG, Sheraton is beyond expensive) and it's not like hotels have to offer them so thanks for that, but I really don't see the point here. Cause unless I want to make two reservations (and spend half of Thursday checking out, waiting for hours and then checking in again), this lower rate might as well be nonexistent.

The original plan was to stay until Tuesday, but I guess I won't be able to. :( And I really hate flying back home on Monday because I'm always so exhausted from everything that happened on Sunday. But one less day at Marriott saves me $240, so it's not like I really have a choice here.

I'm not happy about it though. :(

Sept 19th - Lower room rate? Sounds good, full stop. 

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