Sunday, March 3, 2013


VegasCon is almost here and I 'don't know what to do'. (And now I have that song I'll stand by you stuck in my head and that's like the least fitting song at this moment. Oh, the irony!)

I have two photo ops with Jensen, but I'm seriously considering selling (at least) one of them.

VegasCon will be my 8th con and I always had two POs with him. Guess it's kind of a tradition by now. But something happened 3 months ago and I'm... Well, let's just say that, right now, I'd rather not have my picture taken with him at all. But. If I do get rid of the ticket(s), I'm afraid I'll regret that later. Once I stop being pissed and disappointed. And I'm still hoping that'll happen. (Preferably before JIB.)

So I'm really not sure what to do here. To sell or not to sell? I'll probably leave it until Friday and decide then. *sigh*


  1. Replies
    1. I hate regrets. I figured I would probably regret it, eventually, if I sold the other ticket, so I left everything as it was and didn't sell it.

  2. If you don't mind me asking, what happened with Jensen and not wanting to get your picture taken with him?

    I'm going to the Jersey convention and I'm just.. curious, I guess.

    1. I don't really feel comfortable talking about that. You know how it is in this fandom, as soon as you say something negative, you get attacked. And I'd rather avoid that.

      It wasn't actually Jensen. It was something some people close to him said and did. And it kinda snowballed from there. Too many things happened almost at once. And as a result I was disappointed in Jensen, maybe even lost some respect for him.

      But that is just how I feel right now and nothing for you to worry about. Jensen is great to fans at conventions. And if you're lucky enough to catch him when he's in a really good mood, it can be awesome. :D I'm sure you'll have a great time at NJcon. :)
