Friday, Feb 11, 2011
On Friday... *thinks* What the hell happened on Friday? (It was two weeks ago. I forget.) I remember panels, photo ops, long lines, big boobs and matches that kept my eyes open. Or something like that.
My sister managed to find the right JPEGs and she e-mailed them to me, so I gave them to Chris. And two hours later I had my photo ops. :) Once again, thank you, Chris. He really saved the day. Well, actually, three days.
(shoe pic - got the idea from wolfpup years ago)
We had an early start on Friday. Katherine Boecher's (hands up all those who know how to pronounce that) panel started at 11:30. The woman is SO tiny that it took me 5 minutes to stop staring. Lucky her. *sigh*
It was fun. Especially when she discovered that huge banner of half naked Jared. (I might be exaggerating. Then again... :D) Actually, the day started and ended with Katherine. lol And it was a loooong day. Lasted until 1:30 the next morning.
Matt Cohen's panel started at 1:15. Probably. That's what the schedule says anyway. Matt had a lot more hair this time. :D He looks good with hair. Let me just say this. If he were my type, I'd be drooling for the whole 45 minutes. And during photo ops. And during karaoke. And while going through my photos... You get my drift.
Amy Gumenick was next. Another tiny one. I was afraid I would look like a whale next to her and Katherine in the photo ops even though I lost 29 lb since May. (Ate whatever I wanted and didn't exercise at all. Yeah, I'm bragging. :p) Turns out I didn't have to worry. It's not that noticeable.
Last panel of the day brought Steven Williams to the stage. Steven Williams... I really don't remember him from The X Files. He's one of those guests whose photo op I couldn't get because I spent $269 on the trio photo op. :( :D
After getting the complimentary autographs (from Katherine and Matt), there was finally some free time and food ahead. I really do love my front row seat. I don't have to wait for hours to get somebody's autograph.
(I'm sure there are shoes somewhere underneath those pants)
After pretending to watch the newest episode of Supernatural, it was time to go listen to Brian Buckley Band. I was SO tired that I could barely keep my eyes open. I was THIS close to falling asleep. Jared is the only reason I went to the concert.
So, Brian Buckley Band... How should I say this? Were they ON something? Songs weren't that bad, but the singer did strike me as a tad... well... uhm... Yeah. So I kind of ignored the band (there was a band there?!) and watched Jared and Genevieve on my LCD screen (so I didn't have to blatantly stare at them the whole time, I was being polite). 20x zoom is a wonderful thing. :D It was so cute when they had the same expression on their faces. It actually happened quite a lot. One thing though. I had my camera pointed at J&G the whole time and nobody said anything. I mean, I could've been videotaping them for an hour and nobody from Creation so much as blinked an eye. To think that in Vancouver I was warned after videotaping the theater when there were absolutely no actors anywhere near it. *rolleyes* Overkill? Yeah, I'd say so.
Next, karaoke... See how I didn't mention Genevieve's... top. *proud* Oh crap, I just did. Ah, well. *shrug*
(few of my better photos lol)
Next, karaoke. I had to stand the whole time if I wanted to take pictures. (Man, I missed my seat. Actually, I missed my bed. Did I mention how tired I was?) And believe me, taking pictures wasn't easy since a 7ft woman decided she had to be as close to the stage as possible.
Best part of Friday? When I took my photo op shoes off. That was pure bliss.
Saturday, Feb 12, 2011
I slept for... maybe 4 hours? And that raised an interesting question. Is Jim Beaver's panel enough to get me out of bed? No, it really isn't. I got out of bed anyway. It's a good thing the first photo ops were at 2:30, so at least I didn't have to put my makeup on. It's entirely possible that if I had tried, I would've poked my eye out. And I'm kinda attached to my eyes.
Clif Kosterman's panel was next. I have absolutely no idea what was going on, cause, honestly, I wasn't really listening. I was probably surfing. (I do love my netbook. :D) I mean, they DO have free Internet in the theater. (Free but waaay better than that $13 a day Internet in my room that didn't work half the time.)
Then it was time for some more photo ops I didn't have. Jim and Clif (and 2 hrs later Richard). My heart was aching because I absolutely LOVE photo ops. But like I mentioned before, trio.
Who was next? Ah, yes. Traci Dinwiddie and Richard Speight, Jr.
Traci came first and did some drumming and dancing. After that, Richard joined her and then they were all over the place. Didn't see them most of the panel. It was, y'know, different, interesting. Thank God Jensen and Jared never thought of that. *phew*
(Sometimes I get really, really bored...)
After first photo ops of the day (for me), it was time for Mark Sheppard. So, apparently Mark and Jim kissed? Yes, I am behind with the episodes. But it's mostly not my fault. It was an interesting panel. There was some Jim/Mark hugging and stuff. I didn't surf at all and that says a lot.
And then it was time for the panel we've all been waiting for. Well, the panel I've been waiting for.
Misha Collins! I sure do (purely platonically) love that man. Best hour of the day.
That was the last panel. After Misha it was time for... more Misha. lol No, for photo ops. I didn't buy tickets for Misha & Jim and for Mark. (Trio.) But I had tickets for Saturday guests and Misha. At least something, right?
Then it was time for more complimentary autographs (Misha, Traci and Richard) and after that I could finally go to my room and rest. And eat something.
I always think twice before going to the dessert party. I mean, it's a chance to talk to some of the guests, but it usually lasts until at least 1am and I have to get up really early on Sunday morning (because of the breakfast) and I do prefer it when I'm not falling asleep during photo ops with Js. Just a quirk of mine.
But I'm glad I went this year. Even though my hair was still wet for the first half hour. I was on my netbook again (free Internet, ppl) when suddenly somebody sat next to me and my netbook just disappeared. And found itself in front of Misha. lol He tried to read what was on the monitor, but I was on a Croatian site when he stole my netbook, so he didn't get very far. *hihi* lol So, I asked him if he understood anything. Of course he didn't. He asked if it was Russian, I said it wasn't. Then he said that he forgot what I said (at one of the previous cons) where I was from. He remembered me. Yay! lol Then somebody at the table told him to go through my History. (Thank God, the netbook was new, so the History was almost empty. The things he would have found if he had gotten a hold of my laptop...) So he tried to find History. Easier said than done. Netbook has Windows 7 Starter, and you have to click on Favorites to get to History. (Yeah, doesn't make sense to me either.) So I told Misha to click on Favorites, but he said, no, he wanted History. And I said: yeah, but just click on Favorites. So he said something like that was my computer so I probably knew best. He was really bad with the touchpad so I had to help him with that. There were fingers everywhere. But I drew the line at actually swatting his fingers away. When he finally got to History, the first thing he saw was my blog. lol So he clicked on that and I showed him those Misha pics I uploaded earlier that day. And then he had to go. It was a sad moment. :( But he remembered me. :D
The girl who was supposed to be sitting next to me kept wandering off, so Jim sat next to me, too.
When Traci came, I realized how tiny she was. (I think she mentioned she lost 30 lb.) THAT's when I realized it. After her panel, after photo ops, after autographs. Sometimes I'm really quick on the uptake. *smh*
I didn't wait for Mark. It was already Sunday, and like I said, breakfast, photo ops, Jensen and Jared...
Oh, and BTW, after Misha left, I was totally squeeing in my head, but there were like 8 other people at the table, so I had to play it cool until I got to my room. Two hours later. Then I did some actual squeeing. What can I say. Misha is squeeworthy.
Sunday, Feb 13, 2011
As someone who is not a fan of eating at dawn, I think that breakfast at 8am is a cruel and unusual punishment. Well, the food part of it. Seeing Jensen and Jared is always nice. :D
After a lot of not eating and talking, it was finally time for photo ops. It's a good thing that we have to wait in the theater and then go to photo op room row by row. I mean, we still have to wait for a really long time, but at least we're sitting. And I always appreciate a good seat when I'm wearing my photo op shoes.
(view from the row 30... something, I think)
Jensen and Jared were in an incredibly good mood. So the whole photo op experience was truly amazing. It's not always like that. Usually we really do get like 15 seconds and barely a chance to say hello. But this time... :D
Jensen started with his usual Hi, how are you. But this time I asked him if he really WANTED to know. (I was joking of course.) That threw him off a bit, but then he said something like: let's just say nice to see you and leave it at that. *lmao* I had two photo op tickets, so for the second pic I asked if I could get a hug. And I got it. A real real hug. (You'll see it when I post my photo ops.) Did I say that he was in a really good mood? When I was leaving, he said: nice to see you again. (Again being the operative word. He totally remembered me.) And I said: you too, and bye, and I left. BTW, I got at least 5 nice-to-see-yous from Jensen throughout the day. Yeah, man, it was really, really nice to see you too. *grins*
45 minutes later it was time for my duo photo op. Jared was hugging ppl left and right and when it was my turn, I was told not to ask for a hug. I didn't. I was saving my hug for later, for his solo photo op. We all want to look our best in the photos, but while I was standing between the guys, I guess Jared leaned in too much, and I lost my balance (high heels, ppl), so the photo turned out kinda funny. I'm all askew. lol
And then finally, 45 minutes later, it was time for my photo op with Jared. I asked for a hug and got it. And, OMG, he squeezed me so tight that it actually hurt. Not that I was complaining or anything. Jared, you can squeeze the life out of me whenever you want. *nods*
OMG, this post is going to be the death of me. It just goes on and on and on. And on. And on... OK, I don't care, I'm finishing this thing in three sentences. Maybe four, and that's it.
Panel was great. Jensen was sitting right in front of me. At one point, he was half kneeling, half squatting right in front of me. I got tons of great photos.
(front row seat :D)
Then it was time for autographs, and man, was I glad that Chris printed those photo ops for me. I gave my photo op to Jensen, he looked at it and said: I knew I recognized that face. *cue my huge grin* I asked him: Is that a good thing? And he looked at me and said: Yeah. It is. *cue his blinding smile*
lol I've been to so many cons that Jensen remembers me.
HTG, that blinding smile of his is so powerful that after seeing it, it took me 10 minutes to remember that I had a (rather bad) headache. Really. I went to get Jared's autograph, waited in line, got the autograph, returned to my seat, and only then did I remember that my head hurts.
We got some more of Jim Beaver and a flying water bottle during autographs and while waiting for Genevieve Cortese to show up. (Hands up those who know how to pronounce that. It's Pa-da-le-ki. lol) Her autograph ticket was the only one I ever bought. I never buy autograph tickets. If the autograph is not included in my Gold ticket, then it's like it doesn't exist. Anyway, when it was my turn to get her autograph, she totally ignored me and talked to Jared. It's OK. If Jared had wanted to talk to me, I would've ignored her too. So, y'know. Meh.
ETA: I don't want to delete this part about Genevieve because many ppl already read it, so I'll just copy paste something I wrote at LJ (spn_gossip comm):
OMG. That is one huge report (I should know, it took me a while to write it) and this is what you got out of it?
She didn't really ignore me. We said hi, she signed her name and then Jared told her something so she started talking to him. OK, so she didn't say bye or anything, but I'm not taking it personally. And I still like her. Like I said, if Jared wanted to talk to me, I'd forget about her too.
BTW, when I said I would ignore her too, it wasn't supposed to sound mean. Or childish and immature, as apparently it sounded to some ppl. I just meant, if Jared started talking to me, I would probably forget that there are ppl around me.
Let me fast forward to...
...Brock Kelly's panel. It went waaay better than the last one. He was much less nervous. Funny thing, I came for my photo op with him and when he saw me, he said: I've seen you before. And I said: Yeah, I've seen you too. lol I just don't know if he meant last year or 20 minutes before that in the theater.
I am completely ignoring Jensen's jam session.
But Traci's musical performance was interesting.
I left after 15 minutes though to get my photo op with Brock. But they were either running late or postponing the ops so I had to wait forever.
I bought Gold for next year. And kept my seat, of course.
Then I went to get my photo ops with Js. This was the first time EVER that I actually liked my photo ops. Almost all of them. (Except the one with Misha, but the hug was worth it.) And then I waited in line for 2 hours (I'm NOT exaggerating) to buy JPEGs. Chris really is the best. Once again he rounded the price for me. So I paid $30 less. :)
So, it was... what? 10pm? when I finally got back to my room. I was tired, exhausted, hungry, headachey, my feet were killing me and I had to go pack. Flying back home on Monday? Never. Again.
Can it be? Is part deux really finished? Excuse me while I go and start jumping up and down ecstatically. Finally!!!!!
Oh and, in case anyone was wondering, these are my photo op shoes.
Oh and, in case anyone was wondering, these are my photo op shoes.
TBC in part tres.
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