Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pearls of wisdom I


Buy most* of photo ops and autograph tickets at the convention. Why pay $7.75 more per ticket if you don't have to?

*Jensen and Jared (and maybe even Misha) photo ops and autograph tickets are the exception.


I was curious. And I did the unthinkable. (I guess curiosity trumps CSofM.) But at least I'm not a cat, so I'm mostly unscathed.

And I don't remember how much I spent on luggage, clothes, memory cards, batteries, insurance, passport, visa etc., so this is just the amount of money I spent on Gold/Silver, photo ops, autograph tickets, JPEGs, plane and hotel.

VanCon 2009  - $4905,44

ChiCon 2009  - $3229,65

LAcon 2010    - $5778,25  (I discovered e-bay. Can you tell?)

VanCon 2010  - $5251,75

LAcon 2011    - $3922,34


Friday, April 1, 2011


- I'm still a one-job girl. :( Didn't find any interesting ads since... I don't even know. Since LAcon probably. But to be completely honest, I wasn't really trying to find anything either. I'll have to do something about that.

- I still don't have Js photo ops for Burbank. I just keep forgetting to buy them.

- I crossed the line. That fine line between sanity and an installment loan. Y'all know how I adamantly refused to get a loan just so that I could pay for convention stuff? And you know how they say Never say never? Yeah...

- I got a tattoo. :D A bar code on the back of my neck. Inspired by Alec, of course. :D

- Still hoping to see Jensen and Jared on the Rising con guest list. *fingers crossed*