Sunday, March 13, 2011

Convention State of Mind

I bet most of you wonder: How the hell can she afford to go to all these cons? Well... I can't really. And if I ever stopped to think just how much money I'm spending on cons, I would never go anywhere. And that's the secret. And that's also where Convention State of Mind becomes essential. 

For the last two and a half years I've been living in a perpetual state of CSM. Basically, it goes like this: I set a goal and then do whatever I have to to achieve it. I never think about the prices and how ridiculously sky-high they are. (I mean, a person would have to be nuts to pay $226.75 for one photo op, right? Especially if it takes that person 5 days to earn that money, right?) I just know what I have to buy and then I buy it. I still don't get everything I want (do I really have to mention jam session again?), but some things are not negotiable (Gold, photo ops with Js, JPEGs...).
And I never EVER convert $ to kn. Because $226.75 sounds way better (and more affordable) than 1217 kn. It's somehow more... abstract. When I see that something costs, let's say, $100, that doesn't mean anything to me. It's just a number. I have to convert it to kn to know how much money that is. And some things I really don't want to know. Not knowing does help with appeasing my conscience. (Even though it does nothing for my bank account. Quelle surprise. lol)

Let's face it, almost nobody can afford to go to cons. You just have to decide to go and then go for it. And that's all there is to it. Eyes on the prize, ppl. Eyes on the prize.

Convention State of Mind - It's like having your blinders on. *thumbs up*

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