Friday, September 16, 2011

Supernatural conventions - Google me this

As far as I know, this is the only blog that's all about Supernatural conventions, but if you try googling (or yahooing) 'blog + Supernatural conventions' you won't find it. At least not on the first 10 pages. And who would wanna go further than that?
You'll find websites and a few blogs with a post or two about conventions and that's it. I'm kinda starting to think my SEO skills suck. Slow on the uptake much?

Apparently, my laid-back approach to blogging only (OK, mostly) brings people who for some reason google Clif Kosterman. That baffles me. Why would anyone google Clif? But fine, to each his (or in this case more probably her) own.

So, I'm going proactive.

I "strategically placed" a few 'supernatural conventions' throughout my blog. And I finally went through the chaos that were my labels. They really were no help at all. So I changed a few and added a few. And by a few I mean a lot.

I might even start leaving comments on other people's blogs. o_O

I do, however, refuse to put words 'supernatural convention' in every post title. I like my titles and how at first glance they might seem like they have nothing to do with the post. That's not true. It's just that, sometimes you have to take a better look.

Uhm... This title being the exception.

Sept 17 - Yahoo moved me to page 3. Google's still ignoring me. No wonder I never google stuff, I always yahoo them.

Sept 20 - Page 1, baby! But probably only because Google is mentioned in the title.

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