Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I still hope to win the lottery...

Gonna make this short and sweet. No time for long posts. I got that part-time job. We're calling it overtime, though.


And also, what the hell did I just do???

*headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

*headdesk* *headdesk*

BTW, you know how a normal person's first thought after getting a second job would be: great, more money for food and bills? Mine was: Yay! I can buy more photo ops for VegasCon!!! *sigh* It's not easy being a conoholic. Or cheap.

Monday, November 19, 2012

If you ignore it, it will fall into your lap

I've been looking for a part-time job for the last two and a half years. OK, maybe 'looking for' is too strong a word. I admit it, I wasn't really looking all that hard for the last year. What can I say. It was a combination of giving up coz there were no part-time jobs here and OMG, my day job is going to suck the life out of me! With a touch of procrastinative laziness.

But it looks like I finally found one.

Or more precisely, it kinda fell into my lap. 

Took me a week to realize it. Oh yeah, so quick on the uptake. *smug*

Last Monday a coworker told me that we don't have enough subtitlers and that the boss is looking for new people. Asked me if I knew someone for the job and I said no. And as soon as I turned around to go home, I forgot about it. Honest to God, it took me a week to remember that conversation and to realize that I actually do know someone who could do the job. Guess who. *rolleyes*
In my defence, I was in the middle of translating Woody Allen, and had four days to finish two really long movies and some stuff that was left from the week before because of somebody else's screw-up. And four days were a really unrealistic deadline for everyone who is not a robot. I mean, I can work 12 hrs/day for a day, maybe two, but not four. Pretty sure I'd be yelling Pudding! (with or without pants around my ankles) a lot if I ever tried that. And as much as I like pudding, no, thank you. Anyways, I finished everything on Sunday around 10 pm and OMG, I could finally relax. And it suddenly hit me. Oh hey! I need a part-time job. My boss is looking for more people. Match made in heaven? (Or, more likely, purgatory?) Sure, why not.

Long story short, I sent an e-mail asking if I could take two weeks off around New Year to my boss. And in the same e-mail offered my part-time services. lol We'll see what she'll say. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

In a nutshell

Basic info on the cons I'm attending. When, where, who, how much...

Las Vegas 2013

JIB 2013

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Creation CONtest

We have a chance to win two Gold passes for a con of our choice. *grins like a conoholic*
I know who my favorite guest is, but I still don't know which con I'll choose when I win. Yeah, OK, if. If I win. Killjoys. :p


My tweet:

Saturday, November 3, 2012

O Money Tree, O Money Tree, Your branches green delight us!

I have to say this. If I ever pay 6010 € for one pass, I'm taking one of the guests with me when the con is over. Because, OMG! 6010 €! For 1 pass! I'm a conoholic and I wouldn't be able to justify paying that much. Cause, let's face it, if you pay 6010 € for one pass, you're basically paying 3790 € for a chair. Yes, that chair is in the front row, but still. Just. A. Chair.