Saturday, March 31, 2012

No Texas for me this year

So, I'm definitely not going to Dallas this year. :(

I really wanted to go, but I just can't afford it. I mean, it was a long shot even when I bought the ticket, but I kinda hoped that I'd find a part-time job (or win the lottery) by now. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. So I can't go.

Guess it's time to sell my Gold ticket.

I'm just really :( right now.

Maybe next year, yeah?

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Why did I even bother?

Why did I even bother to choose my flights to and from Rome so carefully?

I was notified that both (yes, both) flights have been canceled and was sent the new schedule. Which absolutely sucks!

The new flight to Rome? Is an hour longer with one stop, leaves 6 hours later so instead of arriving at 11 am, I'll arrive after 5 pm and will lose a whole day in Rome. And I'll need to find somebody to give me a ride to the airport here at 1 pm. People work at 1 pm! And on my way back, I'll have to wait 6 hours at FCO. I'm really not looking forward to that.

Salute to Supernatural - Las Vegas (VegasCon 2013)

ETA: I procrastinate. A lot. So, if you want the rest of my pics, a really short con report and maybe my photo ops, you know what to do. ;)


DATE: March 8-10, 2013

HOTEL: The Rio Suites Hotel  (3700 W. Flamingo Rd., Las Vegas, NV)


Jensen Ackles  (Saturday)
Jared Padalecki  (Saturday)
Misha Collins  (Saturday)
Jim Beaver  (Saturday & Sunday)
Sebastian Roché  (Sunday)
Mark Sheppard  (Sunday)
Richard Speight Jr.  (all three days)
Matt Cohen  (Friday)
Chad Lindberg  (Friday)
Mark Pellegrino  (Sunday)
Julie McNiven  (Sunday)
Rob Benedict  (Friday & Saturday)
Gabriel Tigerman  (Friday)
Corin Nemec  (Sunday)
Samantha Smith  (Sunday)
James Patrick Stuart  (Friday)
Emily Perkins  (Friday)
Ty Olsson  (Sunday)

Gold  $559
Silver  $369
General admission weekend  $109 130
Preferred admission Friday  $50
Preferred admission Saturday  $80
Preferred admission Sunday  $80
General admission Friday  $30
General admission Saturday  $60
General admission Sunday  $40

VIP pass  $500 (auction)

Jensen Ackles  $119
Jared Padalecki  $119
Misha Collins  $65
Jim Beaver  $60
Sebastian Roché  $30 50
Mark Sheppard  $50
Richard Speight Jr.  $45
Matt Cohen  $45
Chad Lindberg  $40
Mark Pellegrino  $50
Julie McNiven  $40
Rob Benedict  $40
Gabriel Tigerman  $40
Corin Nemec  $40
Samantha Smith  $40
James Patrick Stuart  $40
Emily Perkins  $40
Ty Olsson  $50
Jensen & Jared  $199
Karaoke kings (Richard & Matt) $69
Richard & Matt $69
Rob & Emily $65
Misha & Jim $119
Roche & Pellegrino Olsson & Sheppard $139
Jensen & Jared & Misha $279

Jensen Ackles $89
Jared Padalecki $89
Misha Collins $40* 
Jim Beaver $35*
Sebastian Roché $30*
Mark Sheppard $30
Richard Speight Jr. $25*
Matt Cohen $25
Chad Lindberg $20*
Mark Pellegrino $30
Julie McNiven $20
Rob Benedict $25
Gabriel Tigerman $20
Corin Nemec $25*
Samantha Smith $20*
James Patrick Stuart $25*
Emily Perkins $20*
Ty Olsson  $30

(*autograph is not part of any package and must be ordered separately)

concert Louden Swain 10$  (free for those with Gold)
Sunday cocktail party  $99 $125  (they added more tickets)

Jared Padalecki Q&A  $300 (auction)
Jensen Ackles Q&A  $300 (auction)

Misha Collins  $300  (auction)
Jim Beaver  $150  (auction)
Sheppard & Roche & Pellegrino  $250  (auction)
Benedict & Cohen & Speight  $200  (auction)
McNiven & Smith & Nemec  $150  (auction)
Stuart & Lindberg & Tigerman  $200  (auction)

If it's red, it's sold out.

For more info go to Creation Entertainment's website: VegasCon 2013

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Did I tweet during BurCon? Um... Sure?

That last tweet is actually the first. So scroll down and work your way up.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

How did THAT happen? o.0

I has a new profile pic.  

And as usual, that's mostly me.

So, how DID that happen? Well... I was bored. And I have a Taaz account. And I wanted to see what color lipstick to buy. And one thing led to another and before I even realized it, I was trying on somebody's hair and fine tuning my makeup to go with the color of the said hair, cause the do's good, but I'm way too pale for that color. I needed to make my face less natural ivory, so I slapped some ivory beige foundation on it. (Anything darker would've been a serious overkill.) And yadda yadda yadda, I have green eyes now. 

At least on my profile pic. lol

But even though I tried to match the makeup to the hair, I still couldn't really pull it off, so I did the next best thing. I turned the original color to strawberry blond. So much better.  

BTW, I did find a great lipstick. NARS, Porte Vecchio. And yes, it can't be bought in my country.

P.S. Can you guess whose hair I borrowed? lol

ETA (Jan 1st, 2013): I changed my profile pic, but this is the pic I'm talking about in this post.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The BurCon Experience - Day 4 (Saturday)

You know what they say. Pics or it didn't happen. See? Pics. So it did happen. *nods*

I wasn't sure if I'll be able to wake up early enough to go to Guy's panel (which turned into Guy and Sam panel). But like every night, I fell asleep, slept for 3 hours and then kept waking up once every hour. So I actually managed to wake up on my own, before the alarm. Thank God my first photo op was at 3:20 pm, so I didn't have to put on my makeup. I was tired and would probably poke my eye out. Next panel (Sebastian and Mark) was... Unique. Biiip-worthy. Let's just say Sebastian called himself Cockroché  and leave it at that.

I had a lot of free time :( between this panel and the next because I didn't get any of the photo ops. :( 
I'm sorry, but I have to say this. It really bothered me when I read something like: OMG, Richard and Matt are great. They went all the way to the back so people in cheap seats could ask questions and take good photos. First of all, if you're there, you can ask questions. It doesn't matter where you sit. And second of all, I'm not rich, I earn $800 a month, but I paid $752,75 for my seat because I wanted to see everything and have photos that don't have other people's heads in them. And in this case (at that panel) I could neither take photos nor see half of the guests 98% of the time. I understand why those people in cheap seats were happy, but if I pay so much, I want to actually see the guests. I'm funny like that.
And, OMG, Rick had his The Magnificent Seven T-shirt on. It totally reminded me of my first big celebrity crush. Michael Biehn. Ithat man since I was 12ish and saw him in The Terminator for the first time. And the whole crush thing didn't really go away for a very long time. Very. Long. Time.
I'm loyal. *shrug* lol 
And it's funny, cause Jensen is gorgeous and he's my dealbreaker when it comes to cons and I fly to the other side of the world twice a year just because of him (well, and Jared, and other guests, but yeah, mostly Jensen), but I never felt the need to squee when I saw him or to do anything fangirly. Fair warning: If I ever get a chance to see Michael in RL, all bets are off. In a completely respectful way, of course.

Misha's just... One of a kind. lol I love his panels. I know that some ppl think that he's rude and that he never answers the questions, but he's not, that's just his sense of humor and, OK, he doesn't really, but that's just Misha. That's why his panels are so awesome. You gotta love the guy. :D
Had my first (and only) photo op today with him. I usually ask for a real hug, but I always end up looking ridiculous (that is NOT a good photo op pose for me *sad sigh*). So I decided to ask for something else this time. A hug from behind. So, I asked, he said OK, I turned around and fully expected him to put his arm somewhere near my shoulders and neck. And then suddenly there were hands all over me. (OK, around my waist.) And I was like, OMG, what's happening???! *cue a mini freak out* And I didn't know if that showed on my face and Chris, God bless him, took a pic right at that moment. lol So much fun.

Jim's panel was the last one today. But the day was nowhere near over. We still had to get autographs from, like, 20 people. Who weren't personalizing them. Why, Creation, why?! Anyways, Matt stared at himself on my karaoke kings photo op for 5 minutes because he couldn't believe the face he made. lol Richard liked the photo. Rick told me how they didn't film sequel(?) to Fallen because of one person who wouldn't do it. And Misha... Yeah, Misha. He totally knows me by now. And he remembers that I'm from somewhere, but, and you gotta love him, he can't remember from where. :D So we always end up talking about that. He asked. Again. E: I'm from Croatia. M: I wanted to go to Croatian coast. E: Why didn't you? *M thinks about if for a few seconds* M: I don't know. So I told him that he should come. He said he would. Just between us, he probably won't.

Oh how I don't like the cocktail party previously known as dessert party. It starts way too late, ends even later and then I get barely 4 hours of sleep before the 6 am breakfast with Jensen and Jared. And I'm tired all day on Sunday. I hate being tired on Sunday.
But getting a chance to talk to the guests is nice.
This year it was even better and even worse. 7 guests! 7!!! And I didn't even leave early like I usually do. *sigh* Don't know why. *coughmasochistcough*
TIP: To add some personal touch (literally) to the whole thing you have to: look really tired when Richard comes to your table so he'll pat you on the back while saying wakey-wakey or be someone Misha recognizes or be anywhere near Matt. That dude hugs everyone. He kinda freaks me out.

Feel free to ignore the badly taken photo and concentrate on Jensen. :D

I love my universal battery charger. It saved me SO much money on batteries this time. Don't know why I didn't buy it long time ago. The only problem was that I had to plug it in like this and it was too heavy so I had to prop it up. And it's not like I had something to prop it up with so I had to improvise.

BurCon 2012 - videos, again

Episodes they wouldn't do

Something, something, flying fangirl, something

Matt and Rick - The Jerk

Rick - Everybody

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Welcome baby boy Padalecki!

Padababy is finally here. :)
Congrats to the happy (and probably exhausted) parents. Fandom is ridiculously excited.

Someone said on Twitter that we feel like proud aunts and uncles. And that actually sums it up nicely. Because this fandom, I don't think there's another fandom quite like ours. When it counts, we aren't SPN fandom, we are SPN family.
And we are truly happy for Genevieve and Jared like we would be if a member of our family gave birth. In my case, I can't even say that's surprising. After all, I see Jared more than I see some members of my own family. (And probably like him more, but don't tell them that.)

I wonder what they'll name him.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Speaking of photo ops...

How crazy would it be to buy a flat iron just for JIB?

EDIT (March 21st, 2012):

I don't even like grapes. Really, I don't.

I am not a happy conoholic *coughphotoopwhorecough* right now. I already bought 5 photo ops for JIB and was all set to buy 3 or 4 more. But then I remembered that they have everything (panels, photo ops and autographs) at the same time. So, in other words, if I wanted to get all the photo ops and autographs, I would probably miss every panel. Especially since I have a DP. Yeah, I don't like that.

So, not only am I not going to buy all the photo ops I wanted, but I probably won't even try to get all the autographs. I'll get Jensen's, Jared's and Misha's and that's it. Even though I paid for 8 of them. But hey, at least I won't have to spend any money on stuff for them to autograph.

And I'll save A LOT of money on photo ops. And I really mean a lot. 26% of my paycheck. I guess, it just means more money for VegasCon. So, y'know, whatever.

The fox who longed for grapes, beholds with pain
The tempting clusters were too high to gain;
Grieved in his heart he forced a careless smile,
And cried ,‘They’re sharp and hardly worth my while.’

Aphra Behn

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The BurCon Experience - Day 3 (Friday)

You know what they say. Pics or it didn't happen. See? Pics. So it did happen. *nods*

You know what I really hate? When Creation changes the schedule, but don't feel the need to tell us about it. I mean, we found out that Gabriel is coming from him. And nobody knew when his panel would be. Also, nobody knew if Kim was still coming or not. Even if they couldn't update their web page, they could've at least tweeted about it. And this was not the first time. Really annoying. So it was actually a bit of a surprise when Kim and Gabe showed up on stage. I think I wasn't really in the right state of mind for a convention. I have to admit I wasn't really listening to what they were saying. I just kept zoning out. (And taking pictures without really thinking about it.) All I remember is that Kim laughed a lot and... No, that's about it.

Chad's panel was next. I spent a lot of time trying to take a photo of his tattoo, but he just kept moving all the time. The nerve of that man! lol

This was my first photo op today. I almost didn't get it. I was literally deciding which photo ops to buy while standing in line for pre-registration. At first I wanted to get a photo op with Kim. But then I decided that I don't really need it. In the end I bought it because I wanted to see what my new makeup and hair color would look like on photo ops. I mean, BEFORE the really important photo ops. Such a shallow reason, I know. I'm not proud of it.
Photo ops I DIDN'T get include: Chad, Rob, Mark, Sebastian, Matt, Richard, Matt & Richard in regular outfits, Rick, Mark & Misha, Misha & Jim, Jim and Madison. And that's like blasphemy for this conoholic. *coughphotoopwhorecough* And the best indicator of just how much I didn't care for this con. :(
But hey, at least I had more free time. Yay?

Last panel today was Rob's. I got my autographs after that (Kim, Chad, Rob). No personalization this time. Don't know why. Louden Swain concert was supposed to start at 9 pm. But didn't. So everything else was postponed. By the time karaoke started, I was tired and fed up with waiting and I just wanted to get my karaoke kings photo op and go to sleep. But I had to wait until midnight-ish for that.

Yep, it still says karaKoke kings. lol

I'm still not sure if this top looks like something from the '60s, but Richard liked it. He said so. :D It was during photo ops. I walked up to him and he said I had a nice top. And I was so incredulous that instead of saying thank you, I said: Really??! Then I told him that I had that top in my closet for years and that I've never worn it before. And he said: Well, maybe now you will. Honestly? I kinda doubt it. But you never know. It's not like I expected to wear it at a convention either.

Oh and...

Ladies and gentlemen more ladies, master karaokist Tim Omundson!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Ads FTW! Or is it WTF?

I don't know what google ads y'all are seeing, but this is a funny one. I really don't know what on this page prompted them to show an ad for Dean Eckles. I mean, it's not even Ackles. Not that Dean Ackles would make much sense either.

BurCon 2012 - a few more videos

Soap opera acting 101


*coughwussonthedancefloorcough :p*
(This one comes with a disclaimer. You can read it on YT.)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The BurCon Experience - Day 2 (Thursday)

You know what they say. Pics or it didn't happen. See? Pics. So it did happen. *nods*

Here in Croatia we eat those thin pancakes (crêpes, I guess), so when I go to the US, I like to order the fat ones, if they are on the room service menu.
These were blueberry pancakes and I got 3 of them and by the time I ate half of the 1st one, I was already full. This what you see here, and I kid you not, was enough for 3 meals. Cheeseburger with fries also lasted for 3 meals. And that pizza? It was huuuge! I ordered it on Saturday and still had 3 slices on Monday. But I threw them away. Huuuuge!

I'm sorry, but I just have to take some time and bitch about iBAHN. Wi-fi at Marriott sucked big time. It was slow and it would get disconnected at the worst possible moment and on Thursday night and Friday morning I couldn't even get a connection. It was easy, in theory. First you had to choose a connection plan, then accept terms and conditions, then write your room number and last name and wait to get authenticated. Well, I was trying for 2 hours on Thu and 1 hour on Fri and managed to get to room number/name page only twice. Mostly I just got a blank page that wouldn't upload. After that I just went to the lobby and used their free wi-fi. It was lousy too, but at least it was free.

Pre-registration was really early this time. At 6:45 pm. I got my lanyard and wristband and found out that LAcon moves to Vegas next year. I don't know, it could be a good thing. I wasn't all that impressed with the Burbank venue. But apparently there aren't any direct flights from Europe to Vegas either. And honestly, Vegas kinda scares me. I'm sure I won't be leaving the hotel once I get there.
I also bought some photo ops. Only 3 this time. :( Kim, kara(k)oke kings (check the pic, lol) and Misha. (Already had the ones with Js.) That probably shows you my state of mind at the con better than anything else. I love photo ops and usually get as many as I can. This time my heart just wasn't in it.

The BurCon Experience - Day 1 (Wednesday)

You know what they say. Pics or it didn't happen. See? Pics. So it did happen. *nods*

I blame the Internet. I asked it if it was a good idea to fly on February 29, and it never said that, no, in fact it was not.
So, there I was, at the airport, on Feb 29, all set to fly to FRA, then SF, then BUR. But.
I found out that my flight was cancelled. (FRA airport was on strike.) And THANK GOD for connecting flights because they still had to get me to Burbank somehow.
I went to get my new itinerary, was told that I'd be going to Zurich and then to SF with Swiss and just as the woman was about to print my e-ticket, the printer went kaput. And she was trying to fix it for 20. Fucking. Minutes. (With a pair of scissors.) While I was standing there mostly panicking because I still didn't know WHEN my first flight was. Or anything else for that matter.
She finally managed to print the ticket (it came out all crooked, but at least it came out) and I found out all the details. New itinerary wasn't that bad, but I really didn't like that I'd be getting to Burbank at 8 pm instead of 6 pm. And believe you me, 2 hrs make a huge difference after such a long trip. 22 effing hours!!!
Oh yeah, the pic. I'm SO glad I'm not scared of flying. The first plane was god-awful. It wasn't just incredibly noisy, it was vibrating. Not shaking, vibrating. Can you imagine sitting there for hour and a half while everything around you vibrated? REALLY annoying. And I had an amazing view of the plane's propeller. Y'all envy me now, don't ya?


Swiss fed us nicely. As you can see. I never tried hash browns before. Turns out I like hash browns. Ice cream was a VERY nice surprise and pizza was really good. I definitely didn't miss Lufthansa food.

BTW, 50 ice cubes in a tiny cup of apple juice, United? My upper lip got frostbite.

By the time I finally got to Marriott Burbank I was really sick and tired of everything. The only good thing was that I got a room on the 2nd floor so I didn't have to spend a lot of time in the elevators. Room itself? Was noisy. Like, really noisy. And I think it tried to freeze me to death a few times.
But, OTOH, this was the first time that I slept in a hotel room and didn't wake up with a headache every day.