I finally started packing. First thing I packed was last year's photo ops, the ones I'm gonna get autographed. I forgot to take them with me last year, but Chris was really nice and said that he could print them for me if I give him the JPEGs. My sis emailed them to me and all was well with the world, crisis averted. *thumbs up*
Second thing was Kofedon. It's what I take when I have a headache. And since my head aches all the time, Kofedon is pretty much essential.
Third thing I packed was my camera. And the batteries! You can't forget the batteries.
And then came everything else.
What can I say, you gotta have priorities. :D
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Final countdown: T-3 (LAcon)
I know about post-con blues, but it never even occurred to me that someone could get a pre-con blues.
I should be more excited about the whole LAcon thing. Guess my mind didn't get the memo. *sigh*
I should be more excited about the whole LAcon thing. Guess my mind didn't get the memo. *sigh*
Monday, February 27, 2012
Final countdown: T-4 (LAcon)
I'm really nervous and I'm literally nauseous. And it's ridiculous because this is not my 1st con. It's my 6th. I know what to expect. Hell, I could probably pack with my eyes closed. I'm obviously anxious about something, I just don't know what that something is.
Went to the hairdressers today. Got my highlights and lowlights. And she straightened my hair. I love my hair when it's straight cause normally it's, well, not. I'm literally gonna cry when the time comes for me to wash my hair. Literally. With tears. I kinda wish it was Sunday today so that I could have this awesome hair for my photo ops with Js. I just know it, on Sunday my hair will look worse than ever. * sigh*
Went to the hairdressers today. Got my highlights and lowlights. And she straightened my hair. I love my hair when it's straight cause normally it's, well, not. I'm literally gonna cry when the time comes for me to wash my hair. Literally. With tears. I kinda wish it was Sunday today so that I could have this awesome hair for my photo ops with Js. I just know it, on Sunday my hair will look worse than ever. * sigh*
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Yes, I'd like to see more than just Bob Hope and Marriott.
I know, I'm funny that way. lol
But if I go out there alone, I'll get bored after 10 minutes and return to the hotel. Happens every single time.
I hope I'll be venturing out on Thursday (Jensen's bday) and/or Monday (March 5th). If anyone's interested in joining me, let me know. I could use some company. And would be eternally grateful. Wait. Eternally means for a month, right? ;p JK
Oh and, when I say sightseeing, I probably mean something like window shopping,celebrity stalking, picture taking and walking around for a few hours. So, nothing too museum-y or too long (I'll become whiny after 4 hours).
P.S. I'll probably mention those who join me in my blog. If that sweetens the deal. If not, forget I said anything. Blog? What blog?
I know, I'm funny that way. lol
But if I go out there alone, I'll get bored after 10 minutes and return to the hotel. Happens every single time.
I hope I'll be venturing out on Thursday (Jensen's bday) and/or Monday (March 5th). If anyone's interested in joining me, let me know. I could use some company. And would be eternally grateful. Wait. Eternally means for a month, right? ;p JK
Oh and, when I say sightseeing, I probably mean something like window shopping,
P.S. I'll probably mention those who join me in my blog. If that sweetens the deal. If not, forget I said anything. Blog? What blog?
Allergic to primer
Apparently, I'm allergic to eyelid primer (Too Faced Shadow Insurance lemon drop). And it's the weirdest reaction ever. You can't see anything just by looking at my eyes, but as soon as I put the primer on, I feel like my eyes are closing, my vision becomes blurry and I feel pressure around the eyes. It took me three times to be sure that I really have that reaction and that I'm not just imagining things. *rolleyes*
My eyelids went from normal to oily in the last couple of years. :( I don't wear makeup in real life, so this whole thing wouldn't be such a problem. Normally. However. Cons. Where I actually do wear makeup (because of photo ops). And the pencil eyeliners I had were just no match for my eyelids. When I'm at a con I just don't have time to reapply my makeup every half hour.
I bought liquid eyeliner. Fingers crossed it'll stay on my lids at least 2-3 hrs.
My eyelids went from normal to oily in the last couple of years. :( I don't wear makeup in real life, so this whole thing wouldn't be such a problem. Normally. However. Cons. Where I actually do wear makeup (because of photo ops). And the pencil eyeliners I had were just no match for my eyelids. When I'm at a con I just don't have time to reapply my makeup every half hour.
I bought liquid eyeliner. Fingers crossed it'll stay on my lids at least 2-3 hrs.
Kane and Carlson on Stageit
It was freakin' awesome! I loved every too short minute of it. Cause let me tell you, 30 minutes (TG for encore!) passed in the blink of an eye. And I want need more. I love Chris' voice and his songs and hope to see him live on stage some day. But I kinda doubt that he'll come to Croatia and I can't go to Portland just for one of his gigs. That'd be crazy, right? Right? *sad sigh*
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Creation Ent should bring Chris Kane to one of the SPN cons. (Preferably the one I'm attending.) I mean, why not? BBB had nothing to do with Supernatural either. It's all about who you know. ;)
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Creation Ent should bring Chris Kane to one of the SPN cons. (Preferably the one I'm attending.) I mean, why not? BBB had nothing to do with Supernatural either. It's all about who you know. ;)
Monday, February 20, 2012
Final countdown: T-11 (LAcon)
I'm flying to Burbank in less than two weeks. That's way too soon. Panic is setting in. If I wasn't so tired, I'd probably be running around like a headless chicken.
Went shopping for jeans yesterday. Spent five hours going from one store to another and still couldn't find a decent pair. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
My hairdresser is on sick leave. I'm just hoping she'll be back to work by Saturday cause I have to dye my hair before the con.
Went shopping for jeans yesterday. Spent five hours going from one store to another and still couldn't find a decent pair. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
My hairdresser is on sick leave. I'm just hoping she'll be back to work by Saturday cause I have to dye my hair before the con.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Final countdown: T-30 (LAcon)
I think I'm gonna hate February. I have so much to do and so little time to do it. It's quite possible I'm gonna go crazy by the time I leave for Burbank.