Jus in bello - Rome 2012
Monday, July 25, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Procrastination FTW!
And ppl say that there are no upsides to procrastinating. *snorts*
Let's face it, if I wasn't such a die-hard procrastinator, right now I'd be stuck with a non-refundable plane ticket to Rome (and back). Procrastination, my bank account salutes you.
I guess the curse of Friday the 13th struck again. (lol?) Due to two reasons that answer to the name of Jensen and Jared, JIB was postponed for two weeks. It really makes no difference to me. Yeah, I'll have to change my hotel reservation, but that shouldn't be a problem. As far as I'm concerned, this new weekend is as good as any other. *shrugs*
I was lucky. I meant to book a flight, but never got around to actually doing it. I'd probably be somewhat less nonchalant otherwise. But as long as they don't change the dates again (after I buy my plane ticket), I'm good.
Let's face it, if I wasn't such a die-hard procrastinator, right now I'd be stuck with a non-refundable plane ticket to Rome (and back). Procrastination, my bank account salutes you.
I guess the curse of Friday the 13th struck again. (lol?) Due to two reasons that answer to the name of Jensen and Jared, JIB was postponed for two weeks. It really makes no difference to me. Yeah, I'll have to change my hotel reservation, but that shouldn't be a problem. As far as I'm concerned, this new weekend is as good as any other. *shrugs*
I was lucky. I meant to book a flight, but never got around to actually doing it. I'd probably be somewhat less nonchalant otherwise. But as long as they don't change the dates again (after I buy my plane ticket), I'm good.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Happy birthday, Jared Padalecki!
Happy birthday, Jared! :)
Birthday wishes are so not my forte, but let's see what I can come up with. *thinks*
Hope you have a great day (preferably a day off). And I'm sure you wouldn't mind getting a huge b-day cake and lots of presents you won't want to change for something else tomorrow. *fingers crossed* And I hope you get some great news about season 8... No, wait. That's what I want for my b-day. :p Anyways, have lots of fun and feel free to tweet some pics. :D
Birthday wishes are so not my forte, but let's see what I can come up with. *thinks*
Hope you have a great day (preferably a day off). And I'm sure you wouldn't mind getting a huge b-day cake and lots of presents you won't want to change for something else tomorrow. *fingers crossed* And I hope you get some great news about season 8... No, wait. That's what I want for my b-day. :p Anyways, have lots of fun and feel free to tweet some pics. :D
Friday, July 8, 2011
Rising con 3?
Good for you, ppl. This is something I really appreciate, you coming out and saying it loud and clear - we won't get Jensen and Jared, will you come anyway?
I wish I could say yes.
But I said it before, and I'll say it again, there's no way I could afford more than 2 cons a year, so guest list really does matter. It's not that other guests aren't great, but, y'know... Dealbreaker. *shrugs*
Good for you, ppl. This is something I really appreciate, you coming out and saying it loud and clear - we won't get Jensen and Jared, will you come anyway?
I wish I could say yes.
But I said it before, and I'll say it again, there's no way I could afford more than 2 cons a year, so guest list really does matter. It's not that other guests aren't great, but, y'know... Dealbreaker. *shrugs*
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Mediatranslations found me
I just wish it was my CV they found and not my blog. *sigh*
I was going through my stats to see who'sstalking me reading my blog (cause I'm curious like that :p) and lo and behold! there it was. IP address: Mediatranslations. Google led them to one of my posts. It was the one where I ranted about croupiere/crouppiers. And THAT is why one should always include words PICK ME! PICK ME! PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, PICK ME! when blogging about part-time jobs one wishes one had. (Too many ones?) It shows certain je ne sais quoi, y'know. *coughdesperationcough*
I should really check my stats more often.
Q: So, did I find a part-time job? A: It's summer.
Non sequitur much? Actually, no. Summer = 50°C in the shade = headaches = me hiding inside the house during the day = work from home is a must = no part-time work-from-home jobs = still no part-time job.
I was going through my stats to see who's
I should really check my stats more often.
Q: So, did I find a part-time job? A: It's summer.
Non sequitur much? Actually, no. Summer = 50°C in the shade = headaches = me hiding inside the house during the day = work from home is a must = no part-time work-from-home jobs = still no part-time job.
Donation that doesn't feed the soul
First JIB photo ops are bought and paid for. 2 Jensen (y'know, tradition) and 1 Jared. I probably won't get any Misha (solo) photo ops. *blames the budget* OK, maybe I'll buy one. Eventually. If they don't sell out. But probably not. However... I'll definitely buy me a few of those duo photo ops. So, that'll cover Misha as well. I mean, it's not like I wanna snub him or anything. And Richard? Well, when this thing is over, I'll definitely have one photo op with him. It just might not be a solo. Duos FTW!