I guess ppl who attended the con had a good time, but for me, it all sounded pretty disappointing. They didn't get my Dealbreaker and Jared, lost JDM, moved to a more expensive hotel, had unsellable tickets, photo ops were turning blue (fastest way to lose my support? mess with my photo ops) and had big problems at BloodyNightCon cocktail(?) (not my cup of tea, but still). I'm kinda really glad I wasn't there.
KLZ practically announced Rising con 3 : "Este año hemos tenido algunos retrasos que no volveremos a permitir en la nueva Rising Con 3 que está a un paso de ser confirmada y que esperamos cuente también con vuestro apoyo." And as much as I wanted to go this year, I'm not sure I'd want to spend that much money just to be disappointed in the end. Dealbreaker or no Dealbreaker. Not that it matters, I suppose. I'm already going to Burbank and Rome and there's no way that I could afford Barcelona as well. So, yeah, that probably means they'll have a blast next year. *sigh*