Saturday, March 19, 2011

Thousands of words

Salute to Supernatural convention - LAcon 2011

My photo ops. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST. Actually, if possible, do not download at all. Thank you. :)

All photos are © Chris Schmelke.







Odd photo op out, this one. I really shouldn't get my picture taken in this pose. I wanted to crop myself out, but... Well... (Due to a very nice hug :D) the pic is not really crop-friendly. So I just blurred my face.






60 photo ops and this is the only time Chris zoomed in this much. I feel kinda cheated. I was standing in line (2 ppl in front of me) when I remembered I had my passport and wad of money in the right back pocket of my jeans and that it would be visible in the 'hug photo'. So I had to (really quickly) get everything out of the right pocket and into the left. Not as easy as it sounds. And also, it took me 9 months to lose all that weight and LAcon 2011 was when Chris decided to take a photo of (practically) just my face? Totally unfair. Where was his zoom in Vancouver year and a half ago? And at ChiCon 2009? And LAcon 2010? And VanCon 2010? *pouts* lol


He hugged me so tight that it actually hurt. :D


I'm somewhat askew in this one. lol Jared leaned in too much and I kinda lost my balance. I'm not complaining.

Why are there more comments here even though I already wrote about photo ops in But to make a short story long... Part deux? Because, apparently, 1000 words a pic just isn't enough for me. lol So I had to add a few more.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Just a thought

I should probably buy a battery charger that I can use in the USA and Canada.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Convention State of Mind

I bet most of you wonder: How the hell can she afford to go to all these cons? Well... I can't really. And if I ever stopped to think just how much money I'm spending on cons, I would never go anywhere. And that's the secret. And that's also where Convention State of Mind becomes essential. 

For the last two and a half years I've been living in a perpetual state of CSM. Basically, it goes like this: I set a goal and then do whatever I have to to achieve it. I never think about the prices and how ridiculously sky-high they are. (I mean, a person would have to be nuts to pay $226.75 for one photo op, right? Especially if it takes that person 5 days to earn that money, right?) I just know what I have to buy and then I buy it. I still don't get everything I want (do I really have to mention jam session again?), but some things are not negotiable (Gold, photo ops with Js, JPEGs...).
And I never EVER convert $ to kn. Because $226.75 sounds way better (and more affordable) than 1217 kn. It's somehow more... abstract. When I see that something costs, let's say, $100, that doesn't mean anything to me. It's just a number. I have to convert it to kn to know how much money that is. And some things I really don't want to know. Not knowing does help with appeasing my conscience. (Even though it does nothing for my bank account. Quelle surprise. lol)

Let's face it, almost nobody can afford to go to cons. You just have to decide to go and then go for it. And that's all there is to it. Eyes on the prize, ppl. Eyes on the prize.

Convention State of Mind - It's like having your blinders on. *thumbs up*

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

In a perfect world...

In a perfect world I could... Well, in a perfect world I would go to every con. I mean, I AM a conoholic, right? It's a no-brainer. But in a perfect and REALISTIC world, I could go to Rising con 2011, BankCon 2012 (yes, I'm calling it that) and JIB 2012. Too bad this world is just realistic. :(

KLZ Events are killing me. Rising con is in 3 months and they only have 3 guests. And the worst part? I don't know if that's it or not. OK, Matt is always a great guest. And of course I would love to see Misha again. :D And, OMG!, seeing JDM for the first time, that would almost be worth the money this con would cost me.


But let's face it, no Jensen, no Eliann. I'm not rich enough to go to cons that don't have Jensen on the guest list. I'm sorry, dear other guests, but that's just the way it is. Jensen is a deal breaker.

And, honestly, I think they won't get Jensen and/or Jared. I'm sure they had to pay A LOT of money to get JDM and there's just not enough left for Js. But the problem is I can't be sure. And if there's even a slight chance that I'll be going to Barcelona, I really have to buy a plane ticket as soon as possible. While there are still cheap tickets available. And by cheap I mean $340. (Which really isn't cheap at all. Two weeks ago I could've gotten a ticket for $142.) Because I'm not paying twice as much for a 2-hour flight.

Do I really want to risk losing $340? On the other hand, by the time KLZ announces all the guests, that ticket could cost me $1500.

I don't know what to do. I'm not psychic!

What would you do?

Even Clif wasn't much help. He did reply immediately, but...

And I really wanted to go to Barcelona this year. *whines* I still didn't get over the fact that I couldn't go last year. *sigh*

Dear KLZ Events, most people are on a budget and need to know well in advance how much money (if any) they are going to spend on something. In this case - a con you're organizing. So, just announce all the guests or tell us that there won't be any more. I just need to know one way or the other. Por favor. Gracias.

I already have Gold for Burbank. And I'll buy photo ops (Jensen, Jared, J&J) as soon as my credit card company sends me the bill for February and starts a new one for March. But I'm really not happy with the change of venue. OK, yes, Burbank is nicer (as I am told) than LAX, so sightseeing would be a possibility, but, OMG, it'll take me 20 hrs to get there. (20!!!) It usually takes me 14 hrs. That's a lot of extra hours. And it's not like I'll have time for sightseeing anyway. And if I fly to Bob Hope, I'll have to go through airport procedures twice (cause there are no direct flights). Why would I want to do that to myself? Right now, I'm even thinking that flying to LAX and then taking a cab would be a good idea. It would be faster and easier and maybe even cheaper. I'm only worried about traffic jams.

Dear Creation Entertainment, there was no way to find an airport with direct flights from Europe? Y'know, not all the ppl who are coming to your cons are from the US.

JIB. JIB, JIB, JIB... JIB, JIB. *sigh* I can't believe I'm actually considering going to Rome. (I'm presuming that there will be JIB 2012 and that they'll have Jensen and Jared as guests once again. If they don't, then of course, JIB is out.)
I don't speak Italian. And I don't like going to foreign countries if I don't speak the language. I'm not that adventurous. lol And it always rains when I'm in Italy. So, if you find yourself there during the con and it's raining, I am so sorry. SO sorry. 

This was a really meaning-got-lost-in-translation, and yet accurate (*nods*) tweet.

They were talking about Misha, BTW. And I totally agree. He would like me a lot. Misha and me and my netbook go waaay back. *lol*

I just realized something. If I don't go to Barcelona, I'll have to wait a whole year before another con. *horrified* *hyperventilating* *off to find some doughnuts*

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tweeting my way through a convention

Apparently, I tweeted a few tweets while at LAcon.

So, here's a con report in 62 tweets of 140 characters or less.