Friday, October 29, 2010


I have decided that Sunday is the end of the week. Since, y'know, it's Friday and there's still no word from Nice Ice. And they said they would email/call by the end of the week.

So, yes, the end of the week is definitely Sunday. *nods*

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Croupiere (m/f)

I mean, really, people? Croupiere?

First of all, since we're in Cro, it should be krupje. (Actually, it should be djelitelj, but fine, whatever.) But if they're insisting on writing it in a foreign language (I'm guessing they were going for English here), they should at least make sure that the word is written correctly. Especially since croupiere is the armour that protects horse's ass. It really irks me when people are so careless that they can't even write a teeny tiny ad without mistakes. And if they're making mistakes, then they should at least be consistent. Because crouppier? Really?

I finally got an email from Mediatranslations. They're keeping my CV and will contact me if/when they need another subtitler. I'm fine with that. Right now I'm really hoping that I'll get that rink job. And I can't believe I'm so excited at the prospect of cleaning (among other things) a skating rink for 2 or 3 months. *smh*

Vague much?

There's this ad. Some firm needs help in (at?) their (the?) showroom (whatever that is). It's a part time job. I guess it has something to do with helping their team with presentations and... folding clothes? Idk. OK, there IS some sort of a short description, but how about some details, ppl? Like where, when, for how long? Or is that one of those jobs where you don't even have to apply if you don't know what they're talking about? It kinda reminds me of that joke- Psychic wanted. You know where to apply. *rolleyes*

I guess it's a step up from ads like 'We need workers'. But not by much.

I really hate vague ads. Are they supposed to intrigue us and make us wanna call and find out more? Because when I see an ad that doesn't say much, it only makes me wanna ignore it. And that's exactly what I do. Every time.

Ain't it cute?

I can't believe I forgot to apply for that mystery shopper job. I was freaking out about sending my CV to HRT and trying to write the bestest cover letter ever for that potentially very interesting job at a skating rink. (I read fics. I know what happens in places like that. *nods*) And it completely slipped my mind. 
But it's probably for the best. That job really wasn't for me. I'm not the most observant... observer... among observers...? Uhm... Never mind. And I'm not a liar. I mean, I can lie if I want to. It's just that usually I don't. Want to. So my lies come out all half-assed and unconvincing. It's embarrassing really.

I did however remember to send my CV and cover letter to Nice Ice. :D Yes, in pdf format. Big thanks to MR for telling me how to go from doc to pdf and for sending me the link to CutePDF Writer.
I got an email from them today. They'll let me know by the end of next week if I should come for an interview. Hope my day job won't be considered a hindrance. *fingers crossed* I do after all work from home and have flexible hours, so I could take any shift, any day.
I wonder if ice skating is like driving a bike. I used to skate when I was younger. I even had my own skates. But that was years ago. Maybe I'll get a chance to find out.

Monday, October 18, 2010

D(id it) Day

aka Oh shit! What the hell was I thinking? *hyperventilates*

I really didn't know what to do. For the last two weeks I was changing my mind every 5 minutes. It was like 'Yeah, of course I'll send my CV, I can do this, it's a piece of cake...' and then 5 minutes later 'I can't do this *headdesk* I can't do this *headdesk* I can't do this *headdesk*...' (Bipolar much?) 
I just couldn't decide what to do.
The thing is, I'm not sure I'm cut out to be a TV host, but if I could actually get the job, who am I to say no to that? I mean, someone has to pay for my con addiction. Unfortunately, turns out that that someone is me. Man, addicts would really do anything for their next fix. *sigh*

So, since I couldn't decide, I did the next best thing. I waited for the last possible moment and then left it all to chance. And the post office. I told myself - if the post office is still open when I get there, I'll send the CV, and if not, well, it's just not meant to be.

I went there at 4:30 pm.

The bastards work until 5.

And now my CV is on its way.

What the hell am I supposed to do if they actually call me?!?! *full panic mode*

Oh look, the show's on TV right now. And it's not mocking me. At all.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


This last week (since Thursday afternoon) my day job's been kicking me in the... Well, if I was a boy, I'd say nuts, but since I'm not... I had problems with video files for my episodes and it totally messed up my rhythm and I'm playing catch-up ever since. It's exhausting. And, of course, I have abnormally wordy episodes this week. Twice as large. Dialog lists for this soap usually have 30-35 pages. Now suddenly they have 58!?!?

I still don't know if I'll send my CV and photo for that host job. Photo's printed out, I just have to go and get it. CV's written and just needs to be printed. Envelope's ready and just needs to be addressed and taken to the post office.

No interesting ads, except maybe... Would I want to work for Nice Ice? It's a skating rink. And do I even know how to skate? I used to. Looong time ago. When I was shorter and thus closer to the ice. (Which is always a plus when there's a chance of falling down.)  But, dear Nice Ice, what's wrong with a doc format for CVs?

Look at me, I'm on TV. Well. Maybe...

I guess every few years I dare myself to step (waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay) out of my comfort zone. I did it 2 years ago when I bought Gold for ChiCon. I won't go into details, but trying to decide whether to buy that ticket or not, it wasn't a pretty sight. (I'm one of those people who wouldn't go to the movies alone, and yet, there I was, thinking about flying to the other side of the world. Alone. First time on a plane, first time outside of Europe, first time in an English speaking country where I know noone.) I bought the ticket eventually and never looked back.
And now I just might do it again. That 'get out of my comfort zone' part, not the 'buy Gold for ChiCon' part. lol I can't really believe I'm even thinking about it. But on the other hand, what doesn't kill me, will some day pay for my psychiatrist's beach house. (Y'know, if/when I start seeing one.)

There's this audition for hosts of TV Bingo show on HRT.

And I'm seriously thinking of sending my CV.

Because hosting a TV show is, of course, a perfect job for somebody who's quiet and suffers from stage fright. (Man, I certainly picked the right year to get off beta blockers.)

Like I said, waaaay out of my comfort zone.

But I AM looking for a part time job. And I HAVE been complaining about the shortage of those. And I DO need money for cons. So, why wouldn't I send my CV? It's not like they're gonna pick me or anything. Right?

I would also have to send my photo. Now, that could be a bit tricky. Only recent photos of me that I have are photo ops. And I'm pretty sure they want just a photo of me. But if I send them one of my photo ops with Jensen and Jared, at least they're bound to notice me. :D And anything that sets me apart from others is a good thing, right? I sure could use any help I can get. Cause I am quite ordinary.

I wonder if I'll actually do it.

Oh. A friend informed me that this is a job one should be ashamed of (because apparently hosting TV Bingo show is down there with scamming ppl out of their money or something *rolleyes*) and that he would defriend me if I send my CV. It might seem like I'm tempting fate with this post, but I'm good for now. He doesn't read my blog anyway. And he won't find out about this unless I get the job. And if I do get it, I won't care because I'll become famous and I'll get thousands of new true friends. And he can tell everyone how he doesn't know me. So, :p to him.

Oh and, in case somebody from HRT stumbles upon this... Uhm... I was just kidding. Of course I'm perfect for the job. Outgoing, communicative, resourceful, stunning, lying through my teeth...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A woman of mystery

Yep, I'm seriously considering to become a mystery shopper. I must be really desperate. I hate shopping. OK, maybe hate is not the right word. I loathe shopping. Yeah, that's better. More accurate.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Outside the box

I think I should quit my job to have more time for this blog. Because anything less than 7 posts a week is just unacceptable. Unacceptable I say!!! (Did you get it out of your system now, Eliann? Yeah, I'm good.)

Last week I found exactly two (2) ads that were somewhere in the vicinity of what I might be looking for. But since I don't have a car and I'm not communicative... Let's just say that I'm still part-time-jobless.
And I'm not just being picky here. There really aren't any jobs for me. Mostly because 98% of all ads in Cro are for full time jobs. And it doesn't help that there are like 100 ads all together. Even if I was looking for a new day job, which I'm not, I'm neither an architect, nor a shipbuilder, nor a lawyer, nor a... Well, you get my drift. So, basically I'm left with two ads that I'm not qualified for. *sigh*

What exactly am I looking for? A part time job. Ideally something that I can do at home, so I don't have to waste hours on trying to get to work and back. There's also that small matter of my constant headaches. I always have to work around them. Which basically means that I'm working from 9 pm to 5 am more often than not. So a job with flexible hours would be awesome. Also, it has to be something I know how to do. Doh. And I'm trying to avoid scams. That one should go without saying. A decent paycheck would be nice too.

OK, I'm done bitching, now I'm branching. Out. Have to throw a wider net due to slim pickings. (That would be, what, plan C?) There are like millions of foreign jobs sites and some of them even have ads for jobs in Cro. It's the weirdest thing, looking for jobs in Cro on foreign websites. But I'd get over the weird factor if I could only find something. *fingers crossed*

Or maybe I should just go straight to Plan L.