Monday, September 27, 2010


I go through ads every day. (Such a Sisyphean task, btw.) And I found two really idiotic ones today. I didn't know if I should laugh or what.

First one has millionaire as job title. That's really priceless. I didn't know millionaire is another word for scam. But apparently...

The other one is actually not a bad job. Movie portal is looking for... Writers, I guess. It says in the ad that it can be a full time job, part time job, you can work from home, be a freelancer, it can go through Student employment office...  Blah blah blah... And then my favorite part: Oh, btw, it's a volunteer position. WTF?!
(The thing is, if Student employment office is involved, it means that sb is getting paid. Otherwise, why would you need them?)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Plan B (no, not that one)

Well. I don't actually have a plan B.

I have a vague notion of plan B...

Turns out that doesn't help much.

What I'm trying to say is that there is still no e-mail from M. No, not even a 'yeah, we don't want you' e-mail. And it's the worst because I know I probably won't hear from them, but there's always that damn hope. Pesky little &$@*#. Pardon my French. Guess I hoped my 11 and a half years of experience and my knowledge of English and Spanish (99,8% of everything on Cro TV that needs translating is in Eng. or Sp.) would at least get me a 'we're not looking for anyone and we don't want your CV, go away'. Just so I know that there's no point in waiting.
In other words, unless I suddenly become an expert web designer by next week (highly unlikely, BTW), I can pretty much forget getting a job that would allow me to work from home. Crap.

Since there's a shortage of good job offering ads, I went through ads from people who are looking for jobs. Mostly to get some ideas about what I could do. And I did. Get some ideas. But there were some... interesting ads. A man is looking for a job as a butler. I laughed my... behind off. Who knew we had butlers in Cro. I mean, really? We do? Really?! Then there was the ad from a woman who would take care of kids for free because she loves kids. What's up with that? Oh, and my favorite. Boy, 39 years old... Dude, if you're 39, you are NOT a boy.

Nobody's offering part time jobs that would work for me, so it looks like I'll be placing my own ad soon. Guess I found my plan B?

However, I'm not ready to give up on my plan A just yet. I'll wait for that e-mail just a little bit longer. *hopefool*

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

M., you've got mail

I did it. I sent my CV. M. didn't actually place an ad anywhere, but hopefully I'll get some kind of reply from them. Even if it's just - thanks, but no, thanks. Let's hope I'm still lucky when it comes to getting a job. Because so far? I've been beyond lucky.

For the longest time I didn't know what I wanted to do in life. And then 3 weeks after I realized that I would like to translate TV shows, I found an ad at the university. O.F. was looking for students who would do just that. Talk about luck. :D I went for an interview and got the job.

I was even luckier with my 2nd part time job. I just sent an open cover letter (and a CV) and two days later, I was translating again.

And just when it looked like I would be out of job soon (cause even telenovelas have to end sometime), my old boss, who opened her own firm after leaving O.F., called me and asked if I wanted to work for her. I wasn't looking for a full time job, but I thought about it and said yes. Been working there ever since.

And now, almost six years later, I'm looking for another part time job.

Let's see if I'm still lucky.

Monday, September 20, 2010

We got work to do

  A1 aka Pilot 

Moved to:                                 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Is it tomorrow yet?

Like I said 4 days ago, "starting tomorrow I'm going on a part time job hunt". And who am I to go back on my word? So, starting tomorrow... lol But no, really, I'm serious about all this even if it might not seem like it. It did go slower than I thought. Mostly because I had to work, but also because I love planning. (I might not follow through once I plan everything, but I sure do love planning. Just one of my quirks.)
I started with the obvious sites -,, and some not so obvious like It was mostly just a waste of time. They never have any good ads. At least not in the category I'm interested in. Y'know, Other. It all comes down to ads for waiters and cleaning ladies. Not that there's anything wrong with those jobs, but since I'm not a people person and we already established that I'm lazy by nature... Yeah. Not for me. Well. Maybe crime scene cleaning? But I don't think we actually have any crime scene cleaners in Cro. Wait. So who cleans up after a crime? Huh.

Where was I? Oh yeah.

I'll be sending my first CV to M. on Tuesday. I figure they'll have less piled up e-mails on Tuesday than right after the weekend. Getting that job would be perfect. I would work from home and I would be doing what I'm already doing. What I've been doing for the last 11 years. Of course, I would probably go nuts after 2 or 3 months with no days off, but if it gets me to the next convention... So, fingers crossed.

Damn, Jim Beaver was right. I am so craz... devoted. *sigh*

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Con... heh, con ...fession time

First of all, let me make one thing perfectly clear.

I. Love. Supernatural. I do.

I'm a fan since the first minute of first episode. I am a Dean girl since day one. It took me a while to warm up to Sam though, but in my defence, Dean really should have left Rory and Jess alone. Yes, I've been known to hold a grudge. lol But I got over it once I found out more about Jared. Cause he's the nicest guy I kn... don't really know. Sometimes I wish I was more like him. (But I'm more like Jensen, in case you're wondering.)
But as much as I love the show and the characters, I am not actually, y'know, up to date with episodes. Or seasons. I watched only the first four seasons. And yes, I am lying. It's worse than that. *hangs head*

But I do promise to get at least to Swan Song by LAcon. If I get to go to LAcon, that is. *off to dust off and polish my CV*

The thing is...

Ever since I got a taste of conventions, I just can't stop flying to the other side of the world to spend 4 days touring the convention hotel attending them. And I really, really, REALLY want to go to LAcon 2011, Rising Con 2011 (IF they get Jensen) and maybe even (fingers crossed) VanCon again.


And what a big but that is.

Contrary to popular belief, I am not made of money. My salary, although quite average in my country, is rather pitiful compared to the US salaries. (I could even envy their usher/ticket takers if I were an envious person. Which I'm not, thank you very much.) And let me tell you this, eventually installment loans stop being the answer. (Apparently, banks want their money back. Did y'all know that?)
So, I have two options. Stop attending cons... Oh boy, just the mere thought of that makes me start hyperventilating. Calm down, Eliann, calm down. Just give me a second here. ... OK, I'm good. Or find a part time job. Or two. Actually, the way Creation Entertainment is upping those prices, better make that three. And a half. You know what they say: Better safe than without two Jensen photo ops.
It's not a perfect solution (I AM after all lazy by nature and procrastinative as hell), but it's not like I have a choice here. (Conoholic with no willpower. Remember?)

Thus, starting tomorrow (as every good procrastinator would), I'm going on a part time job hunt.

Don't worry, my unsuspecting esteemed readers, I WILL be blogging about it. :D

Monday, September 13, 2010

What do you mean, it's not a legitimate addiction?!

It all started 8 years ago with a TV show I didn't even particularly like. Why didn't I like it? I have absolutely no idea. I love shows like that. Should've been one of my favorites. It's a freakin' mystery, that's what it is. *nods* But I digress. Dark Angel. The show was Dark Angel.
That's when I first saw Jensen Ackles. Mind you, back then I only knew his name. It was the BI era. Before Internet. Bloody inconvenient.
It never even crossed my mind that some day I might be close enough to actually have my hands on the guy. In a perfectly respectful way, of course. But only 6 years and one registration to CW lounge later, it all became less impossible. I found out about Creation Entertainment's Salute to Supernatural conventions and said to myself What the heck! I can afford to go to ONE con.
So I bought the tickets for ChiCon. And then I just kept on buying and kept on going. No willpower whatsoever. 4 cons in one year. VanCon 2009, ChiCon 2009, LAcon 2010 and VanCon 2010. And yes, it's just as expensive as it sounds. And I'm still moping every time I remember that I couldn't go to Rising Con. *mopes* See?
Of all the hobbies in the world, I had to choose the priciest one. Yeah, OK, I admit it. It's not really a hobby so much as it is a full-fledged addiction.

Hi. My name is Eliann and I'm a conoholic. Can I get a Hi, Eliann?